Section - FACILITY PLANSSee the definition of Facility Plan in Section 003.
01.Facility Plans Required. The owner of all new PWSs, and existing PWSs undergoing material modification, are required to have a current facility plan that addresses all applicable issues specifically required in Sections 500 through 552. Facility plans must address the entire potential service area of the project. Facility plans may not be required for simple water main extension projects as detailed in Subsections 502.01.a. and 502.01.b. a. A facility plan is not required if the Department is provided documentation supporting the ability of the purveyor to provide service for the simple water main extension without adding system components designed to control quantity or pressure to the PWS and while continuing to provide the pressure and quantity requirements of Subsection 552.01. Documentation may be in the form of: ii. Usage data and flow calculations;iii. Declining balance reports that demonstrate the PWS has the capacity to supply the service area of the system served by the extension; oriv. Other documentation acceptable to the Department.b. A Department-approved facility plan is not required to be in place prior to the Qualified Licensed Professional Engineer (QLPE) approving a simple water main extension pursuant to Subsection 504.03.b., provided that the service area of the system served by the extension is in compliance with the facility and design standards in Sections 500 through 552. If the Department has not approved a facility plan for the PWS which includes the proposed simple water main extension, then the PWS purveyor or the QLPE must provide with the transmittal letter documentation supporting the ability of the purveyor to provide service for the simple water main extension without adding system components designed to control quantity or pressure to the PWS and while continuing to provide the pressure and quantity requirements of Subsection 552.01. The purveyor must provide this documentation to the QLPE as necessary. Documentation may be in the form of:ii. Usage data and flow calculations;iii. Declining balance reports that demonstrate the PWS has the capacity to supply the service area of the system served by the extension; oriv. Other documentation acceptable to the Department.02.Submittal to the Department. When required, facility plans must be submitted to the Department for review and approval prior to the submission of plans and specifications for a project related to the facility plan unless otherwise approved by the Department.03.Engineer's Seal Required. Facility plans submitted to the Department must bear the imprint of an Idaho licensed professional engineer's seal that is both signed and dated by the engineer.04.Facility Plan Contents. The facility plan must include basic information, criteria and assumptions, hydraulic capacity, treatment capacity, standby power, redundancy, fire flows, project financing, operation and maintenance considerations, alternative solutions with preliminary layouts, and cost estimates as applicable. The facility plan is intended to address system wide growth, to identify system deficiencies, and to lay out a plan for system upgrades and expansion. If specific items listed in Subsections 502.04.a.i. through 502.04.a.viii. or Subsections 502.04.b.i. through 502.04.b.vii. are not applicable to a particular facility plan, then the submitting engineer must state this in the facility plan and state the reason why the requirement is not applicable.a. The minimum requirements for a facility plan for a new PWS are listed in Subsections 502.04.a.i. through 502.04.a.viii but it must include:i. A general description and location of the PWS.ii. The estimated design population of the PWS including the number of connections and the number of EDUs proposed.iii. Adequacy, quality, and availability of sources of water for potable use and a description of the non-potable irrigation system.iv. Identify and describe any anticipated treatment.v. Design data covering water quantity for domestic, irrigation, fire fighting, commercial, or industrial water uses, including peak hour, maximum day, and average day Include the size and location of any anticipated storage structures.vii. Pressure ranges for all flow conditions prescribed by these rules.viii. Describe the wastewater collection system and wastewater treatment works, with reference to their relationship to existing or proposed water works structures which may affect the operation of the water supply system, or which may affect the quality of the supply.b. The minimum requirements for a facility plan for an existing PWS must include Subsections 502.04.b.i. through 502.04.b.vii. as well as Subsections 502.04.a.i. through 502.04.a.viii. i. A computerized hydraulic model of the distribution system based on flow demand and pressure requirements is required unless otherwise approved by the Department; any hydraulic model of an existing distribution system must be properly calibrated. The type or sophistication of hydraulic model will be dependent on the type of PWS.ii. Identify and evaluate problems related to the PWS.iii. Describe financing methods.iv. Set forth anticipated charges for users.v. Review organizational and staffing Offer a project(s) recommendation for client consideration.vii. Outline official actions and procedures to implement the project.c.Public Water System Facility Plan funded by the State Revolving Fund. If the project is funded by the state revolving fund or a state grant, the facility plan must meet the requirements of Subsections 502.04.a. and 502.04.b., and other requirements that may also apply. See IDAPA 58.01.12, "Rules for Administration of Wastewater and Drinking Water Loan Funds," and IDAPA 58.01.22, "Rules for Administration of Planning Grants for Drinking Water and Wastewater Facilities."d. A checklist, which can be used as guidance, can be found on the Department website at The guidance document is for Department grant and loan projects, but may be used in part or in whole as a guide to assist in the development of any facility plan.Idaho Admin. Code r.