Section - DISPLAYS LOCATED WITHIN ZONED OR UNZONED INDUSTRIAL, BUSINESS OR COMMERCIAL AREAS01.Size of Signs. Within zoned and unzoned commercial, business, or industrial areas, and pursuant to the directive of Section 40-312, Idaho Code, the face of an advertising display shall not exceed the following size limits: a. Maximum area - one thousand (1000) square feet;b. Maximum height - thirty (30) feet;c. Maximum length - fifty (50) feet.02.Dimensions. The area of a sign face will include all of the border, trim, cutouts, and extensions.03.Spacing of Advertising Displays. Within zoned and unzoned commercial, business, or industrial areas, as defined in Section 010 herein and pursuant to directive of Section 40-1912, Idaho Code, the following spacing regulations apply: a. Advertising displays on interstate and primary highways may not be located in such a manner as to obscure or otherwise interfere with the effectiveness of an official traffic sign, signal, or device, or to obstruct or interfere with the driver's view of approaching, merging, or intersecting traffic.b. Advertising displays on interstate and primary highways may not be located within five hundred (500) feet of any of the following which are adjacent to the highway: public parks; public forests; public playgrounds; scenic areas designated as such by the Department or other State agencies having and exercising such authority.c. In a case where the highway passes beneath a railroad overpass or beneath a highway grade separation structure where no traffic connection between the crossing highways is provided, no advertising display may be located on the road passing beneath the structure within a distance of five hundred (500) feet from the nearest edge of the overhead route.d. Measurement between signs or from a sign to another feature shall be made horizontally along the pavement edge nearest the signs, between points directly opposite the signs or other features. The point of the sign nearest to the highway is used to determine the measurement point.e. Two (2) sign faces will be permitted at a single location, arranged back to back, or in a V-type configuration, but shall only have one (1) sign face visible to one (1) direction of travel and will be considered as one (1) sign for spacing regulation.f. Signs erected by public agencies or officers and on-premise signs, as defined in Section 010 of this rule, shall not be counted nor shall measurements be made from them for determining compliance with spacing requirements.g. Spacing on interstate highways between advertising displays along each side of the highway shall be a minimum of five hundred (500) feet. The spacing between multiple message signs shall be a minimum of five thousand (5,000) feet.h. No advertising display on interstate highways shall be erected or maintained within one thousand (1000) feet of an interchange or rest area with the exception of permitted, existing displays which shall have grandfather rights. The minimum spacing between displays as set forth herein for interstate highways shall govern the actual location of any sign display permitted and existing within this zone. No advertising display subject to this regulation shall be permitted along any interstate highways within the actual "interchange area," defined as commencing or ending at the beginning or ending of pavement widening at the exit or entrance to the main traveled way of the interstate freeway.i. The spacing of signs on primary highways between advertising displays along each side of the highway must be a minimum of one hundred (100) feet in urban areas and a minimum of two hundred and fifty (250) feet outside of urban areas. The spacing between multiple message signs shall be a minimum of one thousand (1,000) feet in urban areas and a minimum of five thousand (5,000) feet outside urban areas.j. Where intersections are more than five hundred (500) feet apart, no off-premise advertising display will be permitted within one hundred (100) feet from the right-of-way line of the intersecting road unless buildings or structures control cross vision; then advertising displays may be permitted up to and on top of the intervening structures.k. When intersections are five hundred (500) feet or less apart, off-premise advertising displays will be permitted a minimum of fifty (50) feet from the right-of-way line of the intersecting road; however, all advertising displays between fifty (50) feet and one hundred (100) feet from the right-of-way line of the intersecting road must have the lower extremities of the advertising display (excluding posts) not less than fourteen (14) feet above the traveled way of the roads affected by the intersection for visibility under the signs by road users. Advertising displays may be permitted within one hundred (100) feet of the intersecting road's right-of-way when buildings or structures control cross vision; but such displays must not be located so as to cause greater restriction to vision than the existing buildings or structures.l. Alleys, undeveloped rights-of-way, private roads and driveways shall not be regarded as intersecting streets, roads or highways.m. Advertising structures may not be located within five hundred (500) feet of the point of pavement widening at the entrance or exit to a rest area, weight checking station, port of entry or other State-operated facility for the use of motorists.04.Lighting. a. No sign will be allowed if it is so illuminated that it interferes with the effectiveness of, or obscures an official traffic sign, device, or signal.b. Section 40-1910, Idaho Code, prohibits advertising structures which are visible from any interstate or primary highway and display any red or blinking intermittent light likely to be mistaken for a warning or danger signal.c. Section 40-1910, Idaho Code, prohibits advertising displays which include any illumination of such brilliance and so positioned as to blind or dazzle the vision of travelers on adjacent interstate and primary highways.05.Variable or Multiple Message Signs.a. Multiple message signs shall not include any illumination or image which moves continuously, appears to be in motion or has any moving or animated parts or video displays or broadcasts. No multiple message sign may include any illumination which is flashing or moving, except those giving public service information such as date, time, temperature, weather, or other similar information.b. If illuminated with beams or rays of such intensity or brilliance that it would cause glare or impair the vision of the driver or interfere with the operation of a motor vehicle, effective shielding must be in place so as to prevent beams or rays of light from being directed at any portion of the traveled way.c. If illuminated, illumination must not obscure or interfere with the effectiveness of official traffic sign, device, or signal.d. Multiple message signs must not emit or utilize any sound capable of being detected.e. The message or image on a multiple message sign must remain static for a minimum of eight (8) seconds.f. An automated change of message or image on a multiple message sign must be accomplished within two (2) seconds or less and contain a default design that will freeze the sign face in one (1) position should a malfunction occur.g. If a multiple message sign is in violation of any of the conditions listed in Subsection 300.05.a. through 300.05.g., the permit will be revoked.Idaho Admin. Code r.