Section - EXEMPTIONS AUTHORIZED BY SECTION 40-1904, IDAHO CODE01.Signs Erected by Public Officers or Agencies. Directional and other official signs and notices erected by public officers or agencies will be issued permits at no cost to the owners, as described more fully elsewhere in this rule.02.Advertising Sale or Lease of Property. Signs advertising the sale or lease of property upon which they are located. These signs shall not advertise any products, services, or anything unrelated to the selling or leasing of the property.03.On-Premise Signs. Signs (on-premise) advertising activities conducted on the property upon which they are located are allowed, subject to the following: Not more than one (1) such sign, visible to traffic proceeding in any one (1) direction and advertising activities being conducted upon the real property where the sign is located may be permitted more than fifty (50) feet from the advertised activity. The criteria for determining the limits of the area of the advertised activity from which the fifty (50) feet measurement can be taken are as follows: a. When the advertised activity is a business, commercial, or industrial land use, the distance shall be measured from the regularly used buildings, parking lots, storage, or processing areas, or other structures which are essential and customary to the conduct of the business and within its limits of the real property. It is not be measured from driveways, fences, or similar facilities.b. When the advertised activity is a noncommercial or nonindustrial land use such as a residence, farm, or orchard, the distance is measured from the major structures on the property.c. In no event will a sign site be considered part of the premises on which the advertised activity is conducted if it is located upon a narrow strip of land which is nonbuildable land, such as, but not limited to, swampland, marshland, or other wetland, or which is a common or private roadway, or held by easement or other lesser interest than the premises where the advertised activity is located.Idaho Admin. Code r.