Section - GENERAL01.Visible Informative Content. This rule applies only to advertising displays whose informative content is visible from the main traveled way of interstate or primary highways.02.Responsibilities. Both the owner of a sign and the landowner upon whose property the sign is located will be held responsible for violations of this rule.03.Nonconforming Signs. Signs which stand without advertising copy, obsolete advertising matter, or continued need for repairs beyond customary maintenance constitute discontinuance and abandonment after a period of six (6) months and will be subject to removal.04.Signs Visible from the Main Travel-Way. Signs beyond six hundred and sixty (660) feet from the right-of-way will be considered to have been erected with the purpose of their message being read from the main traveled way when: a. The sign angle and size is such that the message content is readily visible from the main traveled way; orb. The exposure time is long enough at the maximum speed limit for the sign message to be readable and comprehensible.05.Permit or License Revocation. The erection or maintenance of signs from the highway right-of-way; or the destruction of trees or shrubs within the highway right-of-way will be cause for permit or license revocation.06.Multiple Sign Faces. Criteria which permit multiple sign faces to be considered as one (1) sign structure for spacing purposes are limited to signs which are physically contiguous, or connected by the same structure or cross-bracing.07.Edge of Right-of-Way. Distance from the edge of the right-of-way is measured horizontally along a line normal or perpendicular to the centerline of the highway.08.Control Requirement. Where a sign is erected with the purpose of its message being read from two (2) or more highways, one (1) or more of which is a controlled highway, the more stringent of applicable control requirements will apply.Idaho Admin. Code r.