Section - DEVICE MAINTENANCE AND REPORTS01.Device Examination Schedule. Each lessee shall have the device examined by a manufacturer or manufacturer's representative for correct calibration and evidence of tampering every sixty (60) days, or more often as may be ordered by the originating court, or less frequently, as may be ordered by the originating court.02.Report of Examination. A report on the results of each check shall be provided to the trial court administrator or designee of the originating court. The report shall reflect what adjustments, if any, were necessary in the calibration of the device, any evidence of tampering or circumvention, and any other available information the originating court may order.03.Corrective Action Report. Upon request of the originating court, diversion program administrator or their designee complaints by the lessee shall be accompanied by a statement of the actions taken to correct the problem(s). Reports of the problem(s) and action(s) taken shall be submitted to the originating court or its designee within three (3) business days.04.Additional Report. Upon request, an additional report will be provided to the Department on a quarterly basis summarizing all periodic checks ordered by the originating court and all complaints received by the manufacturer from the lessee for each model or type of certified device. These reports shall be categorized by:a. Customer error of operation.b. Faulty automotive equipment other than the device.c. Apparent misuse or attempts to circumvent the device, causing damage.d. Device failure due to material defect, design defect, workmanship errors in construction, installation or calibration.Idaho Admin. Code r.