Section - NATURAL FLOWSNatural flow shall be delivered through the natural river channel to the point of diversion of record except as provided in these rules.
01.Eastside Canal. The watermaster, with the approval of the director and after consultation with the Big Lost River Irrigation District, may elect to deliver the natural flow of the river through the Eastside Canal when the following conditions are met:a. The full flow of the river, including impounded water, to be delivered downstream of the Moore diversion is not greater than the capacity of the Eastside Canal.b. More natural flow water can be delivered to calls for natural flow than could be delivered by using the natural river channel.c. No water right is injured.d. Measuring devices of a type acceptable to the director are installed and maintained where the flow leaves the river channel and where it returns to the river channel.e. When used for the delivery of natural flow to the Arco diversion, the Eastside Canal is considered to be the river channel for water delivery accounting purposes and the watermaster shall protect the natural flow for delivery to prior water rights. Water rights diverting water from the river channel downstream from the point the Eastside Canal returns to the river channel shall be measured at their point of diversion from the river downstream from the Eastside Canal return.f. Conveyance losses in the Eastside Canal, when considered to be the river channel, shall be proportioned between the river flow, the diversions from the Eastside and pumps that inject ground water into the Eastside Canal. The proportioning will be based upon the ratio of total Eastside diversions and injected ground water to the total inflow to the canal.02.Alternate Point of Diversion. The watermaster may elect, with the approval of the director, to deliver natural flow water rights to the alternate point of diversion described in Rule Subsection 030.02.a. below when conditions in Rule Subsections 030.02.b. through 030.02.f. below are met: a. This rule may be used to deliver water rights through the Munsey diversion located in the NW1/4NW1/4NW1/4, Section 26, Township 4 North, Range 26 East, B.M. as an alternate point of diversion for water rights with a recorded point of diversion at the McLaughlin diversion located in the NE1/4NW1/4SE1/4, Section 12, Township 3 North, Range 26 East, B.M.b. The additional delivery losses through the natural channel to the recorded point of diversion for a water right prevents delivery of natural flow to one (1) or more other water rights then calling for water.c. The user receives the same amount of water at the field headgate from the natural flow water right that would be delivered to the field headgate had the natural flow right been delivered at the recorded point of diversion.d. Delivery of the water right at the alternate point of diversion is limited to the period of time the water right could have been delivered to the recorded point of diversion based upon the natural flow available at any time delivery is called for and the loss of the river channel at the time the alternate point of diversion began to be used for the delivery of this water right.e. No water right is injured by the use of the alternate point of diversion.f. The owner of the diversion works at the alternate point of diversion and the ditch(es) used to deliver the water to the field headgate from the alternate point of diversion concurs in the use of those facilities.Idaho Admin. Code r.