Section - OWNERS RESPONSIBILITIES FOR WELL USE AND MAINTENANCEAfter a well is completed the well owner is responsible for water quality testing, properly maintaining the well, and reporting problems with a well to the Director. All wells must be capped, covered and sealed such that debris cannot enter the well, persons or animals cannot fall into the well, and water cannot enter the well around the outside of the casing. Pursuant to Section 42-1603, Idaho Code, the owner of any artesian well that will flow at land surface is required to apply to the Director for approval of a flow control device.
01.Use. The well owner must not operate any well in a manner that causes waste or contamination of the ground water resource. Failure to operate, maintain, knowingly allow the construction of any well in a manner that violates these rules, or failure to repair or properly decommission (abandon) any well as herein required will subject the well owner to civil penalties as provided by statute.02.Maintenance. The well owner must: a. Not allow modification to wells under their control without first obtaining an approved Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) permit, pursuant to Section 42-235, Idaho Code;b. Maintain the minimum casing height of twelve (12) inches above land surface and finished grade;c. Maintain the appropriate well cap, and control device if required, according to these Rules; andd. Not install or allow the installation of any well pump that would cause a violation of the sand production requirements in accordance with these Rules or allow the well to pump in excess of that allowed by a valid water right or domestic exemption.e. Maintain the well to prevent waste or contamination of ground waters through leaky casings, pipes, fittings, valves, pumps, seals or through leakage around the outside of the casings, whether the leakage is above or below the land surface. Any person owning or controlling a non-compliant well must have the well repaired by a licensed well driller under a permit issued by the Director in accordance with these Rules.03.New Construction. The well owner must not construct or allow construction of any permanent building, except for buildings to house a well or plumbing apparatus, or both, closer than ten (10) feet from an existing well.04.Maintain All Other Separation Distances. The well owner must not construct or install, or allow the construction or installation of any object listed in a location closer than that allowed by the table of Rule 25, Subsection 025.01.d.05.Unusable Wells. The well owner must have any unusable well repaired or decommissioned (abandoned) by a licensed well driller under a permit issued by the Director in accordance with these Rules.06.Wells Posing a Threat to Human Health and Safety or Causing Contamination of the Ground Water Resource. The well owner must have any well shown to pose a threat to human health and safety or cause contamination of the ground water resource immediately repaired or decommissioned (abandoned) by a licensed well driller under a permit issued by the Director in accordance with these Rules.Idaho Admin. Code r.