Section - FEES AND SERVICES01.Authority.a. All fees in this chapter are maximum fees unless otherwise stated. The board has the authority to set actual fees by board policy.b. Park and program managers have the authority to set fees for goods available for resale, equipment rentals, and services provided by employees to enhance the users experience unique to the individual park or program.02.Payment. Visitors must pay all required fees.03.Camping. Camping fees include the right to use designated campsites and facilities for the period camp fees are paid. Utilities and facilities may be restricted by weather or other factors.04.Group Use. a. Groups of twenty-five (25) persons or more, or any group needing special considerations or deviations from these rules must obtain a permit. Permits may be issued after arrangements have been made for proper sanitation, population density limitations, safety of persons and property, and regulation of traffic.b. Permits for groups of up to two hundred fifty (250) people may be approved by the park manager with thirty (30) days advance notice. Permits for groups of two hundred fifty (250) or more people may be approved by the director with forty-five (45) days advance notice.c. Group use fees for day use facilities, general use areas, and events may be negotiated by the park or program manager and will generally not fall below the cost of providing services. MVEF is required unless specifically waived by the park or program manager.05.Fees and Deposits. Fees and deposits, including cleaning fees or damage/cleaning deposits, may be required for certain uses or the reservation of certain facilities unique to an individual park. Where deposits are required, they are to be paid prior to check-in06.Fee Collection Surcharge. A surcharge may be added to all established fees when the operator of a motor vehicle or responsible party of a camping unit fails to pay all required fees or fails to properly display proof of payment for required fees prior to entering a park area or occupying a campsite. If the surcharge is assessed, and the operator of the vehicle or responsible party is not present, all required fees in addition to the surcharge will be assessed against the registered owner of the motor vehicle or camping unit.07.Admission Fees. An admission fee may be charged for park facilities, areas, programs, or recreational activities which provide an educational opportunity, require special accommodations or special services. Admission fees are set by the park or program manager and will generally not fall below the cost of providing services.08.Cooperative Fee Programs. The department may collect and disperse fees in cooperation with fee programs of other state and federal agencies.09.Encroachment Permit Application Fee. The department may assess an encroachment application fee as set by the board to cover administrative costs incurred by the department in reviewing the application and the site, and in preparing the appropriate document(s).10.Returned Checks. The cost to the agency for returned checks will be passed on to the issuer of the insufficient funds check.Idaho Admin. Code r.