Section - PUBLIC BEHAVIOR01.Resisting and Obstructing a Park Employee. Persons may not willfully resist, delay, obstruct, or interfere with any park employee in his or her duties to protect the state's resources and facilities and to provide a safe place to recreate.02.Day Use. Between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., unless otherwise posted, all personal property must be removed from day use areas.03.Quiet Hours. Within lands administered by the department, the hours between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. are considered quiet hours unless otherwise posted. During that time, users are restricted from the production of noise that may be disturbing to other users.04.Noise. Amplified sound, poorly muffled vehicles, loud conduct, or loud equipment are prohibited within lands administered by the department, except in designated areas or by authority of the park or program manager.05.Pets. Pets are allowed within lands administered by the department only if confined or controlled on a leash not longer than six (6) feet in length. No person may allow their pet to create a disturbance which might be bothersome to other users. Excepting persons with disabilities who are assisted by service animals, no person may permit their pet animals to enter or remain on any swim area or beach. Pet owners are responsible to clean up after their animals. Pet owners may not leave pets unattended. Areas for exercising pets off leash may be designated by the park or program manager. Department employees may impound or remove any stray or unattended animals at the owner's expense.06.Fires. The use of fires is restricted to fire rings, grills or other places otherwise designated by the park or program manager. All fires must be kept under control at all times and must be extinguished before checking out of the campsite or whenever fire is left unattended. Areas may be closed to open fires during extreme fire danger.07.Fireworks. No person may use fireworks of any kind within lands administered by the department, except under special permit issued by the director for exhibition purposes, and then only by persons designated by the director.08.Protection of Wildlife. All molesting, feeding, injuring, or killing of any wild creature is strictly prohibited, except as provided by action of the board and as established in board policy. Persons in possession of wildlife, which may be legally taken within state park boundaries, must comply with Idaho Fish and Game rules.09.Protection of Historical, Cultural and Natural Resources. The digging, destruction or removal of historical, cultural or natural resources is prohibited. Collection for scientific and educational purposes may be allowed through a permit.10.Personal Safety, Firearms. No person may purposefully or negligently endanger the life of any person or creature within any land administered by the department. No person may discharge firearms or other projectile firing devices within any lands administered by the department, except as follows: in the lawful defense of person, persons, or property; in the course of lawful hunting; for exhibition; or at designated ranges as authorized by the director.11.Non-traditional Recreational Activities. Non-traditional recreational activities such as model airplane and glider operations, geo-caching, gold panning, drone operation, and metal detecting may be authorized by the park or program manager if such activities do not interfere with traditional uses of the park and are consistent with preservation of park resources.Idaho Admin. Code r.