Section - LICENSURE01.Manufactured/Mobile Home Licensure.a. Minimum Age Requirement. No license will be issued to a person under eighteen (18) years of age at the time of license application.b. Designated License Holder. Any applicant for a license under who is not a natural person must designate a natural person to be license holder and represent the corporation, partnership, trust, society, club, association, or other organization for all licensing purposes under these rules including, but not limited to, testing and education. No issued licenses are transferable. i. Any person represents one (1) applicant only, and must immediately notify the Division in writing if his working relationship with the applicant has been terminated. The license will be issued in the name of the designated license holder with the name of the organization he represents also noted on the license. The license holder is considered by the Division to be the licensee.ii. The applicant agrees by acceptance of the designation that the designated person acts as agent of the applicant for all purposes under Title 44, Chapters 21 and 22, Idaho Code, and all rules promulgated thereunder.iii. Any license issued to a manufactured/mobile home retailer must be posted in a conspicuous place on the business premises of the employer for whom the holder of the license is licensed. The license of a manufacturing facility or branch office must also be posted in a conspicuous place at the location licensed.iv. To engage in business in the state of Idaho, each manufacturer must be licensed by the Division.v. The Division requires as a condition of licensing any information it deems necessary for each location where a manufactured/mobile home retailer maintains a branch office. The use of a mobile home park or a state sales office by a licensee for the sale or offering for sale of manufactured/mobile homes constitutes the maintenance of a branch office. A retailer must obtain a license from the Division to operate the branch Applicants for a manufacturer's, retailers, or installer's license must furnish: Any proof the Division may deem necessary that the applicant is a manufacturer, retailer, or installer; any proof the Division may require that the applicant has a principal place of business; In the case of a retailer in new manufactured homes, an instrument in the form prescribed by the Division executed by or on behalf of the manufacturer certifying that the applicant is an authorized franchise retailer for the make concerned; The fee and proof of the bond required by Section 44-2103, Idaho Code; and Proof of passing the examination required by these rules, as applicable.vii. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of a completed application, the Division will issue or deny the license.viii. Each license is valid for a period of one (1) year from the date of issuance.02.Proof of Education Required.a. Satisfactory Proof for Initial Application Submission. An application for a license as a manufactured/mobile home installer must include proof satisfactory to the Division that the applicant has completed the following number of hours of initial education in order to be approved: i. Installers and retailers who are installers: eight (8) hours.ii. The course of initial education must be approved by the Division and must include information relating to the provisions of these rules, Title 44, Chapters 21, Idaho Code, and the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974.b. Satisfactory Proof for License Renewal. The Division will not renew any installer license, or retailer license of any retailer who is also an installer, issued pursuant to Title 44, Chapters 21 or 22, Idaho Code, or these rules until the licensee has submitted proof satisfactory to the Division that he has, during the three (3) years immediately preceding the renewal of the license, completed at least eight (8) hours of continuing education.i. The course of continuing education must be approved by the Division and include information germane to the profession.03.Examination Of Applicant For License.a. Required Examinations. The Division requires a written examination of each applicant for an initial license as a manufactured/mobile home retailer or installer.b. Examination and Grade. No license will be issued unless an applicant receives a final grade of seventy percent (70%) or higher.Idaho Admin. Code r.