Section - DEFINITIONSThe terms defined in this section have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates another meaning.
01.Alterations to Manufactured Homes. The replacement, addition, and modification, or removal of any equipment or installation after sale by a manufacturer to a retailer but prior to sale by a retailer to a purchaser which may affect the construction, fire safety, occupancy, plumbing, heat-producing or electrical system. It does not include the addition of an appliance requiring "plug-in" to an electrical receptacle, which appliance was not provided with the manufactured home by the manufacturer, if the rating of the appliance does not exceed the rating of the receptacle to which it is connected.02.Deceptive Practice. Intentionally publishing or circulating any advertising concerning mobile or manufactured homes which: a. Is misleading or inaccurate in any material respect;b. Misrepresents any of the products or services sold or provided by a manufacturer, manufactured/mobile home retailer, or installation company.03.Insignia. A label or tag issued by the Division to indicate compliance with the codes, standards, rules, and regulations established for Modular Buildings and Commercial Coaches.04.Installation. The complete operation of fixing in place a modular building or manufactured or mobile home for occupancy.05.Principal Place of Business. The primary physical location at which the business of a manufactured home retailer is lawfully conducted. Each of the following requirements must be met to qualify as the principal place of business: a. The business of the manufactured or mobile home retailer is lawfully conducted here;b. The office or offices of the retailer is or are located here;c. The public may contact the retailer here;d. The offices are accessible and open to the public; ande. The greatest portion of the retailer's business is conducted here. The books and other records of a retailer must be kept and maintained at the retailer's principal place of business and be open to inspection during normal business hours by any authorized agent of the Division. Moreover, there must be displayed on the exterior a sign permanently affixed to the land or building with letters providing the business name of the retailer clearly visible to the major avenue of traffic.06.Used Manufactured Home or Mobile Home. A manufactured home or mobile home, respectively, which has been: a. Sold, rented, or leased and occupied prior to or after the sale, rental, or lease; orb. Registered with or been the subject of a certificate of title issued by the Idaho Department of Transportation or the appropriate authority of any state, the District of Columbia, or foreign state or country.Idaho Admin. Code r.