Section - PRACTICE STANDARDS01.Premises.a. A primary establishment must have:(1) a clearly defined and designated working floor space that allows the safe and sanitary practice of cosmetology and/or barber-styling for all stations that may be in operation and provides safe access to restrooms and access areas;(2) a hot and cold running water source and drainage system that are within the perimeters of the primary establishment, separate from restroom facilities, and available to any contiguous establishment or facility that may exist; and(3) restrooms that are accessible from the building in which the primary establishment is located and from any contiguous establishments or facility that may exist and which contain hot and cold running water and drainage separate from the work area facilities. The license holder is responsible for complying with the safety and disinfection requirements and all other applicable statutes and rules for the designated licensed area of the primary establishment, including "common areas."b. A contiguous establishment must operate only in the contiguous establishment designated areas within the associated primary establishment. The contiguous establishment license holder is responsible for complying with the safety and disinfection requirements and all other applicable statutes and rules for the contiguous designated area where it operates.c. Retail cosmetic dealers must have access to hot and cold running water; access to restroom facilities; disinfectants; single-use samples, wipes, spatulas or other dispensing techniques designed to prevent contamination of the cosmetic product; and a first-aid kit.02.Practice Outside of Licensed Establishment. Pursuant to Section 54-5804(2)(c), Idaho Code, a licensee or certificant can provide the following services outside of a licensed establishment:a. Hair Styling. Arranging, styling, and dressing of the hair. Trimming may be performed when incidental to the arranging, styling, or dressing, including facial hair such as beards, mustaches, and eyebrows.b. Coloring. Wash out topical color, tinted powder, spray or chalk to temporarily camouflage hair.c. Temporary Hair Removal. Tweezing of hairs on the face and neck.d. Cleansing. Cleansing the face for the limited purpose of removing makeup or debris and cosmetic preparations for the application of makeup.e. Nail Services. Application of nail polish by painting without the use of a lamp or light, removal of polish incidental to the painting of the nail, and shaping the nail with a single-use emery board.f. Makeup Application. Application of makeup.03.Safety And Disinfection for Establishments and Schools. a. Establishments and schools must be separated from living areas by substantial walls and/or closable doors. Floors, walls, ceilings, furniture, fixtures, and restrooms must be kept clean and in good repair at all times. A clearly identifiable first-aid kit must be readily accessible.b. All instruments and items used by operators must be thoroughly cleaned after each use and then disinfected with a disinfectant or sterilized with a sterilant after cleaning and prior to use on each patron. A disinfectant must be mixed and changed according to the manufacturer's instructions. Disinfection methods of immersion, sprays, and wipes may be used. Contact time listed on the disinfectant's label must be adhered to in all circumstances. Items or surfaces must remain completely immersed in disinfectant or visibly wet, if using sprays or wipes, for the full amount of contact time.c. Porous or single use instruments and items must be immediately disposed of in a trash container after each use on a patron or given to the patron to take home for personal use, provided that the instruments may not be brought back to the establishment for future use. Skin cutting instruments, including razor-type callus shavers, credo blades, or other rasps or graters which cut below the skin surface are not permitted in the establishment.d. Paraffins, waxes and other multi-patron use products must be covered and maintained free of any foreign contaminants. Only disinfected or unused single-use items may be placed into a container that holds multi-patron use products. These products must be portioned out for each patron in a container or dispensed in a manner that prevents contamination of the unused supply. All portions used on a patron must be disposed of immediately following use.e. Pedicure bowls, basins, tubs, drill bits, internal piping, and pumps must be cleaned and disinfected prior to each use as directed by the manufacturer.f. Operators and students must wash their hands with running water, soap and a single-use towel prior to providing service to any patron. When hand washing is not practicable, hand sanitizer of at least seventy percent (70%) alcohol may be used.g. No animals are allowed in shops or schools except service dogs, as defined by the U.S. Department of Justice Regulations, trained to do work or perform tasks for persons with disabilities.h. A current establishment and/or school license, valid operator license(s), a copy of these safety and disinfection rules, and a valid classification card must be conspicuously displayed in the work area of each establishment or school.04.Safety and Disinfection for Retail Cosmetics Dealer Facilities and Makeover or Glamour Photography Businesses.a. Makeup that comes in a cake, loose, or liquid form must be transferred to a palette with a disinfected or single-use spatula for use with a single patron and in a manner to prevent any contamination. Excess make-up on the palette must be disposed of immediately following use.b. Make-up pencils that require a sharpener must be sharpened prior to each use. Sharpeners must be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with Rule 200.03.b. Eyeliner that does not require a sharpener must have a portion transferred to a palette with a disinfected or single-use spatula for use on a single customer.c. Single-use applicators must be used in the application of mascara.d. Implements and applicators, including brushes, used on customers or made available for use by customers must be stored, cleaned, and disinfected or discarded in accordance with Rule 200.03.b. and c.e. Make-up displays should be covered when not in use. When accessible for use by patrons, single-use applicators must be readily available.f. A clearly identifiable first-aid kit must be readily accessible on the premises.g. A current license/registration, a copy of these safety and disinfection rules, and a valid classification card must be conspicuously displayed in the work area of each facility.05.Inspections. A facility, school, or establishment must make improvements within thirty (30) days of an unacceptable "C" classification inspection result. The Board may allow an establishment, school, or facility to continue to operate during that period. The Board may take action prior to any reinspection when the circumstances represent an immediate danger to the public health, safety, or welfare.06.Unprofessional Conduct. The following practices constitute unprofessional conduct. a. Use of Methyl Methacrylate acid (MMA).b. Use of skin cutting instruments, including razor-type callus shavers, credo blades, or other rasps or graters which cut below the skin surface. The presence of such instruments creates a presumption of the instrument's use.c. Use of ultraviolet (UV) sterilizers for disinfection. This does not prohibit the use of ultraviolet dryers or lamps used to dry or cure nail products.d. Use of roll-on wax, except that single-use roll-on wax cartridges are acceptable when they are limited to a single client service and disposed of immediately after use.e. Placing an item or instrument that has been used on a person or placing a person's body part into a container that holds powder, wax, a compound, solution, or other cosmetic preparation that will be used for more than one (1) patron.f. Use of single-use or porous items on more than one (1) patron. The presence of used single-use or porous items, which have not been disposed of in a trash container, creates a presumption of the item's use or intended use on more than one patron.g. Failure to adequately supervise, instruct, or train an apprentice.h. Interference with an inspection or investigation conducted by or on behalf of the Board.i. Performing a service on a patron who has an open sore or a known contagious disease of a nature that may be transmitted by performing the procedure.k. Performing services or using machines or devices outside the licensee's area of training, expertise, competence, or scope of practice for the license held.Idaho Admin. Code r.