Section - PLACER OR DREDGE EXPLORATION OPERATIONS01.Notice. Any person desiring to conduct placer or dredge exploration operations using motorized earth-moving equipment must, prior to or within seven (7) days of commencing exploration, notify the Director. The notice includes the following:a. The name and address of the operator;b. The legal description of the exploration operation and a map of sufficient scale to show the location of the exploration and nearby roads and streams.c. The exploration starting and estimated completion dates; andd. The anticipated size of the exploration operation and the general method of operation.02.One-Half Acre Limit. Any placer or dredge exploration operation that causes a cumulative surface disturbance in excess of one-half (1/2) acre of land, including roads, is considered a placer or dredge mining operation and subject to the requirements outlined in Sections 021 through 065. Lands disturbed by any placer or dredge exploration operation that causes a cumulative surface disturbance of less than one-half (1/2) acre of land, including roads, must be restored to conditions reasonably comparable to conditions existing prior to the placer or dredge exploration operation and as outlined in Subsection 020.03.03.Reclamation Required. The following reclamation activities, required to be conducted on exploration sites, must be performed in a workmanlike manner with all reasonable diligence, and as to a given exploration drill hole, road, pit, or trench, within one (1) year after abandonment thereof:a. Drill holes must be plugged within one (1) year of abandonment with a permanent concrete or bentonite plug:b. Restore all disturbed lands, including roads, to conditions reasonably comparable to conditions existing prior to the placer or dredge exploration operations:c. Conduct revegetation activities in accordance with Subsection 040.15. Unless otherwise required by a federal agency, one (1) pit or trench on a federal mining claim showing discovery, may be left open pending verification by federal mining examiners. Such abandoned pits and trenches must be reclaimed within one (1) year of verification;d. If water runoff from exploration operations causes siltation or other pollution of surface waters, the operator will prepare disturbed lands and adjoining lands under his or her control, as is necessary to meet state water quality standards: e. Abandoned lands disturbed by an exploration operation must be top-dressed to the extent that such overburden is reasonably available from any pit or other excavation created by the exploration operation, with that type of overburden that is conducive to the control of erosion or the growth of vegetation that the operator elects to plant thereon; andf. Any water containment structure created in connection with exploration operations will be constructed, maintained, and reclaimed so as not to constitute a hazard to human health or the environment.Idaho Admin. Code r.