Under Section 39-3321, Idaho Code, each facility must have one (1) licensed administrator assigned as the person responsible for the day-to-day operation of the facility. Multiple facilities under one (1) administrator may be allowed by the Department based on an approved plan of operation for up to three (3) buildings with a total of no more than fifty (50) beds, or up to two (2) buildings with a total of no more than eighty (80) beds. The criteria and procedure for requesting to have multiple facilities under one (1) administrator is posted on the Residential Assisted Living Facilities Program website.
01.Administrator Responsibility. The administrator is responsible for ensuring that policies and procedures are developed and implemented to fulfill the requirements in Title 39, Chapter 33, Idaho Code, and IDAPA 16.03.22, "Residential Assisted Living Facilities."02.Availability of Administrator. The facility's administrator must be on-site sufficiently to ensure safe and adequate care of the residents. The facility's administrator or their designee must be available to be on-site at the facility within two (2) hours. The facility must continuously employ an administrator.03.Lapse of Administrator. If the facility operates for more than thirty (30) days without a licensed administrator, it will result in a core issue deficiency.04.Representation of Residents. The owner or administrator, their relatives, and employees cannot act as, or seek to become the legal guardian of, or have power of attorney for any resident. Specific limited powers of attorney to address emergency procedures where competent consent cannot otherwise be obtained, are permitted.05.Responsibility for Acceptable Admissions. The administrator must ensure that no resident is knowingly admitted or retained who requires care as defined in Section 39-3307, Idaho Code, and Section 152 of these rules.06.Sexual Offender. The administrator must ensure that a nonresident on the sexual offender registry is not allowed to live or work in the facility.07.Notification to Adult Protection and Law Enforcement. The administrator must ensure that adult protection and law enforcement are notified in accordance with Sections 39-5303 and 39-5310, Idaho Code.08.Procedures for Investigations. The administrator must ensure the facility procedures for investigation of complaints, incidents, accidents, and allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation are implemented to ensure resident safety. Procedures must include:a.Administrator Notification. The administrator, or person designated by the administrator, must be notified of all incidents, accidents, allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation immediately, and notified of complaints within one (1) business day.b.Investigation within Thirty Days. The administrator or designee must complete an investigation and written report of the findings within thirty (30) calendar days for each accident, incident, complaint, or allegation of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.c.Resident Protection. Any resident involved must be protected during the course of the investigation.d.Written Response to Complaint within Thirty Days. The person making the complaint must receive a written response from the facility of the action taken to resolve the matter, or the reason why no action was taken within thirty (30) days of the complaint.e.Corrective Action. When abuse, neglect, exploitation, incidents, and accidents occur, corrective action must be immediately taken and monitored to ensure the problem does not recur.f.Notification to Licensing Agency within One Business Day. When a reportable incident occurs, the administrator or designee must notify the Licensing Agency within one (1) business day of the incident.g.Identify and Monitor Patterns. The administrator or designee must identify and monitor patterns of accidents, incidents, or complaints and must develop interventions to prevent recurrences.09.Administrator's Designee. A person authorized in writing to act in the absence of the administrator. An administrator's designee may act in the absence of the administrator for no longer than thirty (30) consecutive days when the administrator is on vacation, has days off, is ill, or is away for training or meetings.10.Ability to Reach Administrator or Designee. The administrator or their designee must be reachable and available at all times.11.Minimum Age of Personnel. The administrator will ensure that no personnel providing hands-on care or supervision services will be under seventeen (17) years of age unless they have completed a certified nursing assistant (CNA) certification course.12.Notification to Licensing Agency. The facility must notify the Licensing Agency, in writing, within three (3) business days of a change of administrator.Idaho Admin. Code r.