In collaboration with the participant, the Department must ensure that the participant has one (1) plan of service. This plan of service is developed within the individualized participant budget referred to in Section 522 of these rules and must identify all services. The plan of service must identify services and supports if available outside of Medicaid-funded services that can help the participant meet desired goals. Paid plan development must be provided by the Department, or its contractor, in accordance with Section 316 of these rules.
01.History and Physical. Prior to the development of the plan of service, the plan developer must obtain a current history and physical completed by a practitioner of the healing arts. This is required at least annually or more frequently as determined by the practitioner. For participants in Healthy Connections, the Healthy Connections physician may conduct the history and physical and refer the participant for other evaluations.02.Plan of Service Development. The plan of service must be developed with the child participant, the participant's decision-making authority, and facilitated by the Department, or its designee. If the participant is unable to attend the family-centered planning meeting, the plan of service must contain documentation to justify the participant's absence. With the decision-making authority's consent, the family-centered planning team may include other family members or participants who are significant to the participant.03.Requirements for Collaboration. Providers of children's DD HCBS must coordinate with the family-centered planning team as specified on the plan of service.04.Plan Monitoring. The family-centered planning team must identify the frequency of monitoring, which must be at least every six (6) months and document the plan monitor's name along with the monitoring frequency on the plan. The plan developer is considered the plan monitor and must meet face-to-face with the participant and the participant's decision-making authority at least annually. Plan monitoring includes reviewing the plan of service with the participant and the participant's decision-making authority to identify the current status of services, any barriers to services, and any necessary changes to the plan of service.05.Provider Status Reviews. The service providers identified in Section 526 of these rules must report the participant's progress toward goals to the plan monitor. The provider must complete a six (6) month and annual provider status review. The six (6) month status review must be submitted thirty (30) days prior to the six (6) month date listed on the plan of service. The annual provider status review must be submitted to the plan monitor forty-five (45) calendar days prior to the expiration of the existing plan of service.06.Addendum to the Plan of Service. A plan of service may be adjusted during the year with an addendum to the plan and these adjustments must be based on changes in a participant's need and requested by the parent or legal guardian. Adjustment of the plan of service requires the decision-making authority's signature and prior authorization by the Department. The Department will distribute the addendum to the providers involved in the addendum's implementation. Upon receipt by the provider, the addendum must be reviewed, signed, and returned to the Department, with a copy maintained in the participant's record.07.Annual Reauthorization of Services. A participant's plan of service must be reauthorized annually. The Department must review and authorize the new plan of service prior to the expiration of the current plan.08.Annual Eligibility Determination Results. An annual determination must be completed in accordance with Section 522 of these rules.09.Adjustments to the Annual Budget and Services. The annual budget may be adjusted when there are documented changes that may support placement in a different budget category as identified in Section 522 of these rules. Services may be adjusted at any time during the plan year.10.Reapplication After a Lapse in Service. For participants who are re-applying for service, the assessor must evaluate whether assessments are current and accurately describe the status of the participant.Idaho Admin. Code r.