Current through September 2, 2024
Section - HOSPITAL SERVICES - DEFINITIONS01.Administratively Necessary Day (AND). An Administratively Necessary Day (AND) is intended to allow a hospital time for an orderly transfer or discharge of participant inpatients who are no longer in need of a continued acute level of care. ANDs may be authorized for inpatients who are awaiting placement for nursing facility level of care, or in-home services that are not available, or when catastrophic events prevent the scheduled discharge of an inpatient.02.Allowable Costs. The current year's Medicaid apportionment of a hospital's allowable costs determined at final or interim settlement if cost settlements are applicable, or determined using the version of the cost report used for prospective payment system (PPS) rate setting, consist of those costs permitted by the principles of reimbursement contained in the Provider Reimbursement Manual (PRM) and do not include costs already having payment limited by Medicaid rate file or any other Medicaid charge limitation.03.Apportioned Costs. Apportioned costs consist of the share of a hospital's total allowable costs attributed to Medicaid program participants and other patients so that the share borne by the program is based upon actual services received by program participants, as set forth in the applicable Title XVIII principles of cost reimbursement as specified in the PRM and in compliance with Medicaid reimbursement rules.04.Capital Costs. For the purposes of hospital reimbursement, capital costs are those allowable costs considered in the settlement that represent the cost to each hospital for its reasonable property related and financing expense, and property taxes.05.Case-Mix Index. The Case-Mix Index for a hospital is the average weight of values assigned to a range of diagnostic related groups and applied to Medicaid discharges. The index will measure the relative resources required to treat Medicaid inpatients. The Case-Mix Index of the current year will be divided by the index of the principal year to assess the percent change between the years.06.Charity Care. Charity care is care provided to individuals who have no source of payment, third-party or personal resources.07.Children's Hospital. A Medicare-certified hospital as set forth in 42 CFR Section 412.23(d).08.Critical Access Hospitals (CAH). A rural hospital with twenty-five (25) or less beds as set forth in 42 CFR Section 485.620.09.Current Year. Any hospital cost reporting period for which reasonable cost is being determined will be termed the current year.10.Inpatient Services Customary Hospital Charges. Customary inpatient hospital charges reflect the regular rates for inpatient services charged to patient(s) liable for payment for their services on a charge basis. Implicit in the use of charges as the basis for comparability (or for apportionment under certain apportionment methods) is the objective that services are related to the cost of services billed to the Department. Effective for service dates beginning July 1, 2021 reimbursement will be as follows:a. All in-state providers not described in b-d below will be paid a final prospective payment rate using the All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Group (APR-DRG) classification system as described in Section 401 of these rules.b. Idaho state-owned hospitals and the Department of Veteran's Affairs Medical Center will be reimbursed at one hundred percent (100%) of allowable cost using a retrospective cost settlement upon receipt of a final Medicare cost report.c. In-state, Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) will be reimbursed at one hundred one percent (101%) of allowable cost using a retrospective cost settlement upon receipt of a final Medicare cost report.d. All out-of-state providers not described in a through c above will be paid a final prospective payment rate with no retrospective cost settlement using the All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Group (APR-DRG) classification system as described in Section 401 of these rules. The out-of-state APR-DRG rates were developed to provide a combined cost coverage of eighty-seven percent (87%) when all out-of-state providers are averaged together in keeping with Section 56-265(6)(b), Idaho Code.11.Outpatient Services Customary Hospital Charges. Customary outpatient hospital charges reflect the regular rates for outpatient services charged to patient(s) liable for payment for their services on a charge basis. Implicit in the use of charges as the basis for comparability (or for apportionment under certain apportionment methods) is the objective that services are related to the cost of services billed to the Department. Effective for service dates beginning July 1, 2021, reimbursement will be as follows:a. Idaho state-owned hospitals and the Department of Veteran's Affairs Medical Center will be reimbursed at one hundred percent (100%) of allowable cost.b. In-state, CAHs will be reimbursed at one hundred one percent (101%) of allowable cost.c. All hospitals that are not described in a through b above will be subject to the outpatient reimbursement parameters outlined in the Medicaid Provider Agreement and Section 56-265, Idaho Code.12.Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Allotment Amount. The DSH allotment amount determined by CMS that is eligible for federal matching funds in any federal fiscal period for disproportionate share payments.13.Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Survey. The DSH survey is an annual data request from the Department to the hospitals to obtain the information necessary to compute DSH in accordance with Subsection 405.06 of these rules.14.Disproportionate Share Threshold. The disproportionate share threshold is: a. The arithmetic mean plus one (1) standard deviation of the Medicaid Utilization Rates of all Idaho Hospitals; orb. A Low-Income Revenue Rate exceeding twenty-five percent (25%).15.Excluded Units. Excluded units are distinct units in hospitals that are certified by Medicare according to 42 CFR Sections 412.25, 412.27 and 412.29 for exclusion from the Medicare prospective payment system.16.Hospital Inflation Index. An index calculated through Department studies and used to adjust inpatient operating cost limits and interim rates for the current year.17.Low-Income Revenue Rate. The Low Income Revenue Rate is the sum of the following fractions, expressed as a percentage, calculated as follows: a. Total Medicaid inpatient revenues paid to the hospital, plus the amount of the cash subsidies received directly from state and local governments in a cost reporting period, divided by the total amount of revenues and cash subsidies of the hospital for inpatient services in the same cost reporting period; plusb. The total amount of the hospital's charges for inpatient hospital services attributable to charity care in the same cost reporting period, divided by the total amount of the hospital's charges for inpatient services in the hospital in the same period. The total inpatient charges attributed to charity care must not include contractual allowances and discounts and reduction in charges given to Medicare, Medicaid, other third-party payors, or cash for patient services received directly from state and local governments' county assistance programs.18.Medicaid Inpatient Day. For purposes of DSH payments, an inpatient day is defined as a Medicaid inpatient day in a hospital for which there is also no Medicare inpatient day counted.19.Medicaid Utilization Rate (MUR). The MUR for each hospital will be computed using the Department's record of paid inpatient days for the fiscal year divided by the total inpatient days for the same fiscal year as reported in the DSH survey. In this paragraph, the term "inpatient days" includes administratively necessary days, newborn days, days in specialized wards, days provided at an inappropriate level of care, and Medicaid inpatient days from other states. In this paragraph, "Medicaid inpatient days" includes paid days not counted in prior DSH threshold computations.20.Obstetricians. For purposes of an adjustment for hospitals serving a disproportionate share of low income patients, and in the case of a hospital located in a rural area, as defined by the federal Executive Office of Management and Budget, the term "obstetrician" includes any physician with staff privileges at the hospital to perform nonemergency obstetric procedures.21.On-Site. A service location over which the hospital exercises financial and administrative control. "Financial and administrative control" means a location whose relation to budgeting, cost reporting, staffing, policy-making, record keeping, business licensure, goodwill and decision-making are so interrelated to those of the hospital that the hospital has ultimate financial and administrative control over the service location. The service location must be in close proximity to the hospital where it is based, and both facilities serve the same patient population (e.g., from the same area, or catchment, within Medicare's defined Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) for urban hospitals or thirty-five (35) miles from a rural hospital).22.Operating Costs. For the purposes of hospital reimbursement, operating costs are the allowable costs included in the cost centers established in the finalized Medicare cost report to accumulate costs applicable to providing routine and ancillary services to patients for the purposes of cost assignment and allocation in the step-down process.23.Other Allowable Costs. Other allowable costs are those reasonable costs recognized under the Medicaid reasonable cost principles for services not subject to Medicaid limitations of coverage or reimbursement limits. Costs that are not reimbursed as operating costs, but recognized by Medicare principles as allowable costs will be included in the total reasonable costs. Other allowable costs include, but are not necessarily limited to, physician's component which was combined-billed, capital costs, ambulance costs, excess costs, carry-forwards and medical education costs.24.Reasonable Costs. Reasonable costs include all necessary and ordinary costs incurred in rendering the services related to patient care that a prudent and cost-conscious hospital would pay for a given item or service.25.Uninsured Patient Costs. For the purposes of determining the additional costs beyond uncompensated Medicaid costs that may be reimbursed as a DSH payment without exceeding the state Allotment Amount, only inpatient costs of uninsured patients will be considered.26.Upper Payment Limit. The Upper Payment Limit for hospital services is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations.27.Prior Service Period Claims Subject to Future Cost Settlement. For providers subject to cost settlement, claims from prior service periods that were not captured in a prior cost settlements will be cost settled in the current year using cost-to-charge ratios and routine cost per diems from the Medicare cost report currently being settled.Idaho Admin. Code r.