Current through September 2, 2024
Section - EXCLUDED INCOMEThe types of income listed in Subsections 215.01 through 215.40 of this rule, are excluded.
01.Supportive Services. Supportive services payments.02.Work Reimbursements. Work-related reimbursements.03.Child's Earned Income. Earned income of a dependent child, who is attending school.04.Child Support. Child support payments assigned to the State and non-recurring child support payments received in excess of that amount.05.Child's Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Income received for a child from Supplemental Security Income (SSI).06.Loans. Loans with a signed, written repayment agreement.07.Third Party Payments. Payments made by a person directly to a third party on behalf of the household.08.Money Gifts. Money gifts, up to one hundred dollars ($100), per person per event, for celebrations typically recognized with an exchange of gifts.09.TAFI. Retroactive TAFI grant corrections.10.Social Security Overpayment. The amount withheld for a Social Security overpayment. Money withheld voluntarily or involuntarily to repay an overpayment from any other source is counted as income.11.Interest Income. Interest posted to a bank account.12.Tax Refunds. State and federal income tax refunds.13.EITC Payments. EITC payments.14.Disability Insurance Payments. Taxes withheld and attorney's fees paid to secure disability insurance payments.15.Sales Contract Income. Taxes and insurance costs related to sales contracts.16.Foster Care. Foster care payments.17.Adoption Assistance. Adoption assistance payments.18.Food Programs. Commodities and food stamps.19.Child Nutrition. Child nutrition benefits.20.Elderly Nutrition. Elderly nutrition benefits received under Title VII, Nutrition Program for the Elderly, of the Older Americans Act of 1965.21.Low Income Energy Assistance. Benefits paid under the Low Income Energy Assistance Act of 1981.22.Home Energy Assistance. Home energy assistance payments under Public Law 100-203, Section 9101.23.Utility Reimbursement Payment. Utility reimbursement payments.24.Housing Subsidies. An agency or housing authority pays a portion of or all of the housing costs for a participant.25.Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Interest. Interest earned on HUD household self-sufficiency escrow accounts established by Section 544 of the National Affordable Housing Act.26.Native American Payments. Payments authorized by law made to people of Native American ancestry.27.Educational Income. Educational income includes deferred repayment education loans, grants, scholarships, fellowships, and veterans' educational benefits. The school attended must be a recognized institution of post secondary education, a school for the handicapped, a vocational education program, or a program providing completion of a secondary school diploma, or equivalent.28.Work Study Income of Student. College work study income.29.VA Educational Assistance. VA Educational Assistance.30.Senior Volunteers. Senior volunteer program payments to individual volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1979, 42 U.S.C. Sections 4950 through 5085.31.Relocation Assistance. Relocation assistance payments received under Title II of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970.32.Disaster Relief. Disaster relief assistance paid under the Disaster Relief Act of 1974 and aid provided under any federal statute for a President-declared disaster. Comparable disaster assistance provided by states, local governments, and disaster assistance organizations.33.Radiation Exposure Payments. Payments made to persons under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act.34.Agent Orange. Agent Orange settlement payments.35.Spina Bifida. Spina bifida allowances paid to children of Vietnam veterans.36.Japanese-American Restitution Payments. Payments by the U.S. Government to Japanese-Americans, their spouses, or parents (or if deceased to their survivors) interned or relocated during World War II.37.Vista Payments. Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) payments.38.Subsidized Employment. Employment for which the employer receives a subsidy from public funds to offset a portion or all of the wages and costs of employing an individual. This type of employment is a short-term placement, pays prevailing wage, and a specific skill is acquired. The employment is prescribed through a memorandum of agreement with no guarantee of permanent employment for the participant.39.Temporary Census Income. All wages paid by the Census Bureau for temporary employment related to U.S. Census activities are excluded for a time period not to exceed six (6) months during the regularly scheduled ten (10) year U.S. Census.40.Income Excluded By Federal Law. Income excluded by federal law is not counted in determining income available to the participant.Idaho Admin. Code r.