Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

For a participant with a community spouse, patient liability is computed as described in Subsection 723.03 of these rules with the addition of the following steps for Community Spouse Allowance (CSA):

01.Shelter Adjustment. The Department will add the current Food Stamp Program Standard Utility Allowance to the community spouse's shelter costs. Shelter costs include rent, mortgage principal and interest, homeowner's taxes, insurance, and condominium or cooperative maintenance charges. The Standard Utility Allowance must be reduced by the value of any utilities included in maintenance charges for a condominium or cooperative. The Department will subtract the Shelter Standard from the shelter and utilities. The Shelter Standard is thirty percent (30%) of one hundred fifty percent (150%) of one-twelfth (1/12) of the income official poverty line defined by the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for a family of two (2) persons. The Shelter Adjustment is the positive balance remaining.
02.Community Spouse Need Standard (CSNS). The Department will add the Shelter Adjustment to the minimum CSNS. The minimum CSNS equals one hundred fifty percent (150%) of one-twelfth (1/12) of the income official poverty line defined by the OMB for a family unit of two (2) members. The minimum CSNS is revised annually in July. The total CSNS may not exceed the maximum CSNS. The maximum CSNS is computed by multiplying one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) by the percentage increase in the consumer price index for all urban consumers (all items, US city average) between September 1988 and the September before the current calendar year. The maximum CSNS is revised annually in January.
03.Community Spouse Allowance (CSA). The Department will subtract the community spouse's gross income from the CSNS. The community spouse's income includes income produced by their resources. The Department will round any remaining cents to the next higher dollar. Any positive balance remaining is the CSA. The CSA is subtracted as actually paid to the community spouse, up to the computed maximum. A larger spouse support amount must be used as the CSA, if court-ordered. The CSA ordered by a court is not subject to the CSA limit.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective July 1, 2024