All existing buildings must meet the requirements in this rule, and also the standards, guidelines, and requirements contained in the sources incorporated by reference in Section 002 of these rules. In the event of a change in ownership of a facility, the facility must meet all requirements prior to issuance of a new license.
01.Site Requirements. The location of an existing facility must be:a. Served by an all-weather road, always kept open and accessible to motor vehicles.b. A accessible to public utilities.c. In a lawfully constituted fire district.d. Providing off-street motor vehicle parking at the rate of one (1) space for every three (3) licensed beds.02.General Building Requirements. An existing facility must be of such character to be suitable for use as a facility. The facility is subject to approval by the Department. Other requirements are below:a. No facility is maintained in an apartment house or other multiple dwelling.b. Roomers or boarders are not accepted for lodging in any facility.c. Each building has a telephone for resident use so located as to provide wheelchair access for personal, private telephone communications. A telephone with amplifying equipment is available for the hearing impaired.d. A staff calling system is installed at each resident bed and in each resident toilet, bath, and shower room. The staff call in the toilet, bath, or shower room must be an emergency call. All calls are to register at the staff station and actuate a visible signal in the corridor at the resident's door. The activating mechanism within the resident's sleeping room is to be located as readily accessible to the resident at all times.03.Resident Accommodations. Must include the following:a. Each resident room is an outside room.b. Every resident sleeping room is provided with a window as follows: i. Equal to at least one-eighth (1/8) of the floor area.ii. Operable to obtain fresh air.iii. Provided with curtains, drapes, or shades.iv. Located to permit the resident a view from a sitting position.c. No resident room can be located: i. So it can be reached only by passing through another individual's room, a utility room, or any other room.ii. So it opens into any room in which food is prepared or stored.d. Resident beds are not placed in hallways or in any location commonly used for other than bedroom purposes.e. Ceiling heights in resident rooms are a minimum of seven (7) feet, six (6) inches.f. All resident rooms are numbered and all other rooms numbered or identified as to purpose.g. Gardens, yards, or portions of yards are secure for outdoor use by all residents and bounded by a substantial enclosure if intended for unsupervised use by residents who may wander away from the facility.h. Toilet rooms, tub/shower rooms, and handwashing facilities are constructed as follows: i. Toilet rooms and bathrooms for residents and personnel are not to open directly into any room in which food, drink, or utensils are handled or stored.ii. Toilet and bathroom are separated from all other rooms by solid walls or partitions.iii. On floors where wheelchair residents are housed, there is at least one (1) toilet and one (1) bathing facility large enough to accommodate wheelchairs.iv. All inside bathrooms and toilet rooms have forced ventilation to the outside.v. Toilet rooms are situated such that an individual need not pass through or into another resident's room to reach the toilet Handrails and/or grab bars are provided in resident toilet rooms and bathrooms and are located to be functionally adequate.vii. Each resident floor or nursing unit has at least one (1) tub or shower for every twelve (12) licensed beds; one (1) toilet for every eight (8) licensed beds; and one (1) lavatory with mirror for every eight (8) licensed beds. Tubs, showers, and lavatories are connected to hot and cold running water.04.Dining, Recreation Facilities, and Activity Areas. The location of these areas must encourage residents, participants, and visitor use. The space needed for dining, recreation, and activities must meet the needs of the residents and have adequate space for adaptive equipment and mobility aids.05.Isolation Units (Temporary). Each facility must have available a room with private toilet, lavatory, and other accessory facilities for temporary isolation of a resident with a communicable or infectious disease.06.Utility Areas and Clean and Soiled Areas. A room with a separate entrance and physically partitioned from any facility for toilet, bathing, or both, must be provided for the preparation, cleansing, sterilization, and storing of nursing supplies and equipment. A room must be provided on each floor in each nursing or staff unit of the facility. Provisions must be made for the separation of clean and soiled activities. Food and/or ice must not be stored or handled in this room. Soiled utility rooms must be provided with mechanical exhaust ventilation to the outside.07.Storage Space. The facility must provide general storage areas and medical storage areas as follows:a. General storage at the rate of ten (10) square feet per licensed bed, in addition to suitable storage provided in the resident's sleeping room.b. Safe and adequate storage space for medical supplies and equipment and a space appropriate for the preparation of medications.08.Electrical and Lighting. All electrical and lighting installation and equipment must adhere to applicable local and state regulations, and the standards, guidelines, and requirements contained in the sources incorporated by reference in Section 002 of these rules, and as follows: a. All resident personal electrical appliances are inspected and approved by the facility engineer, administrator, or both.b. All resident rooms have adequate lighting for the rooms and for reading surfaces.09.Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC). The system must be capable of maintaining a temperature of seventy degrees (70°F) to eighty-five degrees (85°F) Fahrenheit in all weather conditions.a. Facility must be ventilated, and take precautions to eliminate offensive odors in the facility.b. Oil space heaters, recessed gas wall heaters, and floor furnaces cannot be used as heating systems for facilities.10.Plumbing. In the absence of local plumbing codes, all plumbing systems must comply with requirements under IDAPA 24.39.20, "Rules Governing Plumbing," and the following: a. Vacuum breakers are installed where necessary to prevent backsiphonage.b. The temperature of hot water at plumbing fixtures used by residents is between one hundred degrees (100F) and one hundred twenty degrees (120F) Fahrenheit.Idaho Admin. Code r.