Section - DEFINITIONS FOR USE WITH THE CODE OF ETHICS FOR IDAHO PROFESSIONAL EDUCATORS (SECTIONS 33-1208 AND 33-1209, IDAHO CODE)01.Administrative Complaint. A document outlining the specific, purported violations of Section 33-1208, Idaho Code, or the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators.02.Educator. A person who held, holds, or applies for an Idaho Certificate (Section 33-1201, Idaho Code).03.Education Official. An individual identified by local school board policy, including, but not limited to, a superintendent, principal, assistant principal, or school resource officer (SRO).04.Executive Committee. A decision-making body comprised of members of the Professional Standards Commission, including the chair and/or vice-chair of the Commission. A prime duty of the Committee is to review alleged violations of the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators to determine probable cause and recommend possible disciplinary action.05.Hearing. A formal review proceeding that ensures the respondent due process. The request for a hearing is initiated by the respondent and is conducted by a panel of peers.06.Hearing Panel. A minimum of three (3) educators appointed by the chair of the Professional Standards Commission and charged with the responsibility to make a final determination regarding the charges specifically defined in the Administrative Complaint.07.Investigation. The process of gathering factual information concerning a valid, written complaint in preparation for review by the Professional Standards Commission Executive Committee, or following review by the Executive Committee at the request of the deputy attorney general assigned to the Professional Standards Commission.08.No Probable Cause. A determination by the Executive Committee that there is not sufficient evidence to take action against an educator's certificate.09.Principles. Guiding behaviors that reflect what is expected of professional educators in the state of Idaho while performing duties as educators in both the private and public sectors.10.Probable Cause. A determination by the Executive Committee that sufficient evidence exists to issue an administrative complaint.11.Respondent. The legal term for the professional educator who is under investigation for a purported violation of the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators.12.Revocation. The invalidation of any Certificate held by the educator.13.Stipulated Agreement. A written agreement between the respondent and the Professional Standards Commission to resolve matters arising from an allegation of unethical conduct following a complaint or an investigation. The stipulated agreement is binding to both parties and is enforceable under its own terms.Idaho Admin. Code r.