Section - APPLICATION PROCEDURES / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTTo obtain a new, renew, or reinstate an Idaho Educator Credential, the applicant must submit an application on a form supplied by the State Department of Education or the Division of Career Technical Education as applicable to the type of certificate. All applications for new, renewed, or reinstated occupational specialist certificates must be submitted to the Division of Career Technical Education. The following requirements must be met to renew or reinstate an Idaho Educator Credential.
01.State Board of Education Requirements for Professional Development. All certificated personnel must complete at least six (6) semester credit hours or equivalent professional development within the five (5) year validity period of the certificate being renewed.02.Credit. Graduate or undergraduate credit will be accepted for renewal. Credit must be transcripted and completed through a college or university accredited by an entity recognized by the state board of education. a. At least three (3) semester credits shall be taken for postsecondary credit and verified by official or unofficial transcript. Individuals found to have intentionally altered transcripts used for verification, who would have not otherwise met this renewal requirement, will be investigated for violations of the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators. Any such violations may result in disciplinary action.b. Credits taken for certificate renewal must be related to the individualized professional learning plan or the professional practice of the applicant. i. Credits must be specifically tied to content areas and/or an area of any other endorsement; orii. Credits must be specific to pedagogical best practices or for administrative/teacher leadership; oriii. Credits must be tied to a specific area of need designated by local education agency administration.iv. Credits must be taken during the validity period of the certificate.c. All requests for equivalent in-service training to apply toward renewal, except occupational specialist certificates, must be approved by the local education agency. Individuals holding Occupational Specialist Certificates must make requests through the Division of Career Technical Education. Applicants must receive approval for in-service training and course work prior to applying for renewal. All in-service training must be aligned with the applicant's individualized professional learning plan or related to professional practice. Fifteen (15) contact hours are equivalent to one (1) semester credit.d. Pupil service staff certificate holders who hold a professional license through the appropriate Idaho state licensing board may use renewal of their professional license toward the renewal of their pupil service staff certificate in lieu of the requirements herein.e. Renewal credits may not be carried over from one (1) renewal period to the next.03.Professional Development Plans. Local education agencies will have professional development plans.Idaho Admin. Code r.