Section - DEFINITIONS01.Clinical Experience. Guided, hands-on, practical applications and demonstrations of professional knowledge of theory to practice, skills, and dispositions through collaborative and facilitated learning in field-based assignments, tasks, activities, and assessments across a variety of settings. Clinical experience includes field experience and clinical practice as defined in this section.02.Clinical Practice. Student teaching or internship opportunities that provide candidates with an intensive and extensive culminating field-based set of responsibilities, assignments, tasks, activities, and assessments that demonstrate candidates' progressive development of the professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions to be effective educators. Clinical practice includes student teaching and internship.03.Credential. The general term used to denote the document on which all of a person's educational certificates and endorsements are listed. The holder is entitled to provide educational services in any and/or all areas listed on the credential.04.Endorsement. Term used to refer to the content area or specific area of expertise in which a holder is granted permission to provide services.05.Field Experience. Early and ongoing practice opportunities to apply content and pedagogical knowledge in Pre-K-12 settings to progressively develop and demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions.06.Individualized Professional Learning Plan. An individualized professional development plan based on the Idaho framework for teaching evaluation as outlined in Section 120 of these rules to include interventions based on the individual's strengths and areas of needed growth.07.Institutional Recommendation. Signed form or written verification from an accredited institution with a state board approved educator preparation program stating that an individual has completed the program, received a basic or higher rating in all components of the approved Idaho framework for teaching evaluation, has an individualized professional learning plan, has demonstrated the ability to produce measurable student achievement or student success, has the ability to create student learning objectives, and is recommended for state certification. Institutional recommendations must include statements of identified competency areas and grade ranges. Institutional recommendation for administrators must additionally include a competency statement indicating proficiency in conducting accurate evaluations of instructional practice based upon the state's framework for evaluation as outlined in Section 120 of these rules.08.Internship. Full-time or part-time supervised clinical practice experience in Pre-K-12 settings where candidates progressively develop and demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and dispositions.09.Local Education Agency (LEA). An Idaho public school district or charter school pursuant to Section 33-5203(8), Idaho Code.10.Paraprofessional. A noncertificated individual who is employed by a local education agency to support educational programming. Paraprofessionals must work under the direct supervision of a properly certificated staff member for the areas they are providing support. Paraprofessionals cannot serve as the teacher of record and may not provide direct instruction to a student unless the paraprofessional is working under the direct supervision of a teacher. a. To qualify as a paraprofessional the individual must have a high school diploma or general equivalency diploma (GED) and:i. Demonstrate through a state board approved academic assessment knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing or preparing students to be instructed in the academic areas they are providing support in; orii. Have completed at least two (2) years of study at an accredited postsecondary educational institution; oriii. Obtained an associate degree or higher level degree; demonstrate through a state board approved academic assessment knowledge of and the ability to assist in instructing or preparing students to be instructed in the academic areas they are providing support in.b. Individuals who do not meet these requirements will be considered school or classroom aides.c. Duties of a paraprofessional include, but are not limited to, one-on-one tutoring; assisting in classroom management; assisting in computer instruction; conducting parent involvement activities; providing instructional support in a library or media center; acting as a translator in instructional matters; and providing instructional support services. Non-instructional duties such as providing technical support for computers, personal care services, and clerical duties are generally performed by classroom or school aides, however, this does not preclude paraprofessionals from also assisting in these non-instructional areas.11.Pedagogy. Teaching knowledge and skills.12.Portfolio. An organized collection of artifacts that demonstrates an individual's performance, growth, and/or reflection regarding their professional practice, in alignment with the applicable professional standards used for evaluation.13.Practicum. Full-time or part-time supervised, industry-based experience in an area of intended career technical education teaching field to extend understanding of industry standards, career development opportunities, and application of technical skills.14.Semester Credit Hours. Two (2) semester credit hours are equivalent to three (3) quarter credit hours.15.Student Learning Objective (SLO). A measurable, long-term academic growth target that a teacher sets at the beginning of the year for all student or for subgroups of students. SLOs demonstrate a teacher's impact on student learning within a given interval of instruction based upon baseline data gathered at the beginning of the course.16.Student Teaching. Extensive, substantive, and supervised clinical practice in Pre-K-12 schools for candidates preparing for an instructional certificate.17.Teacher of Record. The teacher who is primarily responsible for planning instruction, delivering or supervising the instruction provided to a class of students, assessing student performance, and designating final grades.Idaho Admin. Code r.