"Fairly free from defects" means practically no seed or portions of seeds are present; the drinking quality and appearance of the passion fruit nectar are not seriously affected by the presence of objectionable material, harmless extraneous material, any other defect not specifically mentioned, or any combination of these defects; the aggregate area of any black or brown deposit at the bottom of the centrifuge tube after centrifuging does not exceed the area of a circle two-sixteenths inch in diameter; and the mold count does not exceed ten per cent.
"Fairly good consistency" means the nectar flows readily; is not excessively thick; and contains not less than four per cent centrifuged solids.
"Frozen passion fruit nectar base" is the undiluted, unconcentrated, unfermented juice and pulp in natural proportions obtained from the sound, mature, fresh fruit of the passion fruit vine (Passiflora edulis or Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa or hybrids of these species), which fruit has been properly washed and properly prepared; is packed with the addition of non-liquid nutritive sweetening ingredients with or without the addition of ascorbic acid or fruit acids, provided that not less than seventy-five per cent, by weight, of the acidity of the frozen passion fruit nectar base is derived from the pulp and juice of the passion fruit; is processed in accordance with good commercial practice; and is frozen and maintained at temperatures sufficient for the preservation of the product.
"Good color" means the color is fairly typical of nectar prepared from freshly extracted passion fruit juice; not dark or discolored; and free from browning or other abnormal color by any cause.
"Good consistency" means the prepared nectar flows readily; shows very little or no tendency to separate; and contains not less than six per cent centrifuged solids.
"Good flavor" means a fine, distinct, and substantially typical flavor of passion fruit nectar prepared from freshly expressed passion fruit juice and the flavor is free from bitter, oxidized, immature fruit, or other off-flavors; the brix reading is not less than ten and one-half degrees nor more than fourteen degrees; the acid reading is not less than thirty-five hundredths gram nor more than six-tenths gram per one hundred ml of prepared nectar; and the brix to acid ratio is not less than nineteen to one nor more than thirty-five to one.
"Practically free from defects" means no seeds or portions of seeds are present; the drinking quality and appearance of the nectar are not more than slightly affected by the presence of objectionable material, harmless extraneous material, any other defect not specifically mentioned, or any combination of these defects; the aggregate area of any black or brown deposit at the bottom of the centrifuge tube after centrifuging does not exceed an area of a circle one-sixteenth inch in diameter; and the mold count does not exceed ten per cent.
"Prepared passion fruit nectar" means the passion fruit nectar base is diluted with water based on the manufacturer's directions or label specifications, or by the addition of four volumes of potable water to one volume of frozen passion fruit nectar base.
"Reasonably good flavor" means a fairly typical flavor of passion fruit nectar prepared from freshly expressed passion fruit juice and the flavor is practically free from bitter, oxidized, immature fruit, or other off-flavors and free from abnormal flavors of any kind; the brix reading is not less than nine and one-half degrees nor more than fifteen degrees; the acid reading is not less than three-tenths gram nor more than seven-tenths gram per one hundred ml of prepared nectar; and the brix to acid ratio is not less than seventeen to one nor more than forty to one.
"Very good color" means the color is bright and typical of nectar prepared from freshly extracted passion fruit juice, and free from browning or other abnormal color by any cause.
Haw. Code R. § 4-44-11