Horses for entry shall be accompanied by a health certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian or a state or federal veterinary officer within seven days before shipment. The certificate shall give a description of each animal, including breed, sex, age, and identifying marks or scars, and shall certify that the horses described:
(1) Are free from external parasites and symptoms of transmissible diseases and have not had recent exposure to these diseases;(2) Have originated in an area in which equine encephalomyelitis has not occurred in the six-month period immediately preceding the date of shipment;(3) Have been inoculated by an accredited veterinarian with one or more doses, as recommended by the manufacturer, of a USDA-approved equine encephalomyelitis vaccine to provide protection against the type or types of equine encephalomyelitis experienced in the area of origin. The date or dates of vaccination shall be stated on the certificate. The animals shall not be eligible for shipment until a minimum period of fifteen days has elapsed following completion of the vaccination procedure;(4) Have been tested and found negative to the Coggins or other USDA-approved test for equine infectious anemia at a state, federal, or private laboratory accredited by the USDA to conduct this test within ninety days before shipment. The results, date of test, and name of the laboratory shall be stated on the certificate; and(5) Have been completely sponged or sprayed, thoroughly wetting the mane and tail, under the supervision of a state, federal, or accredited veterinarian in the state of origin with a one-half percent water solution of malathion wettable powder, or other USDA-approved pesticide, within seven days before shipment.[Eff. 10/5/81] (Auth: HRS § 142-2) (Imp: HRS §§ 142-3 and 142-4)