As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"AASHTO guides" means the current edition of the "Guides of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials" published by the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials.
"ANSI standard" means the current edition of the "American National Standards Institute" published by the Illuminating Engineering Society.
"Control of access" means a restriction or prohibition of ingress or egress or both ingress and egress between a highway or street and adjacent land. The restrictions or prohibition may be complete or may affect vehicular access only.
"Director" means the director of the state department of transportation or person acting directly or through their duly authorized representatives.
"Flasher" means a portable power operated lens-directed enclosed light, illuminated by rapid intermittent flashes of short duration, temporarily installed for advance warning or for the marking of severe or unexpected hazards in or near the roadway.
"Highway, street, or road" means a general term denoting a public way for the purposes of vehicular travel, including the entire area within the right-of-way.
"Manual" means the Hawaii Statewide Uniform Design Manual for Streets and Highways and Standard Plans.
"Median" means the portion of a divided highway separating the traveled ways for traffic in opposite directions.
"Traveled way" means the portion of a roadway opened to movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes.
"State" means the State of Hawaii.
"State or county agency having jurisdiction" means the state or county department or agency having the responsibility for the design, construction, or maintenance of highways, streets, or roads where the work is to be done.
Haw. Code R. § 19-127.1-2