The following fees are due and payable at the time an application is made for a permit. The minimum fee is $10; it shall not be refundable even if the applicant, after the issuance of the permit and payment of the fee, decides not to proceed with the construction. The minimum fee of $10 covers administrative costs, such as the cost of processing the permit and reviewing the construction plans.
(1) Schedule I - The fee for a permit to trench for installations such as pipelines, underground cables, and ditches: (A) Tor the first 20 lineal feet of trench, 50 cents per lineal foot.(B) For the balance of the trench, 10 cents per lineal foot,(2) Schedule II - The fee for the permit for all other construction such as for driveways and subdivision road connections: (A) For the first 20 square yards, 50 cents per square yard.(B) For the balance of the area, 10 cents per square yard.[Eff. JUN 01 1981] (Auth: HRS Sec. 264-7) (Imp: HRS Sec. 264-7)