Financial information, whether specified in section 16-601-75 or otherwise, and information required for particular types of applications may be provided by reference to a specific document or documents or parts thereof previously filed with the commission. The reference shall note the date of filing, the exhibit number, and the proceeding in which the document or documents were filed. To avoid repetitive filing of documents with applications, petitions, or tariff filings, any public utility, water carrier, or motor carrier may submit a complete set of the documents or information required under section 16-601-75 and section 16-601-87(8) and subsequently update the documents or information by submitting a copy of any new reports, statements, or documents as they are filed with federal or state agencies. If this procedure is used, a copy of all documents filed with the commission shall also be submitted to the consumer advocate.
Haw. Code R. § 16-601-76