Haw. Code R. § 13-75-14

Current through November, 2024
Section 13-75-14 - Nets, generally
(a) It is unlawful for any person to use nets made of or using netting with a stretched mesh of less than two inches, except that:
(1) Pond owners or operators who hold a valid license issued under section 13-74-40, may use nets of smaller mesh to take young mullet or pua for stocking their fish ponds;
(2) Commercial marine licensees who hold a valid bait license issued under section 13-74-22, may use nets of smaller mesh to take nehu, 'iao, marquesan sardine, gold-spot herring, or any other species for which an open season may be declared by the department for use as bait;
(3) All persons may use nets of smaller mesh to take shrimp or 'opae, 'Opelu, makiawa, or mikiawa;
(4) Aquarium fish collectors with a valid aquarium fish permit issued pursuant to section 188-31, HRS, may use traps and nets for aquarium fish and other aquatic life in conformance with the conditions of the permit, provided that non-commercial aquarium fish collectors shall be limited to a combined total of five fish or aquatic life specimens per person per day;
(5) All persons may use a net with mesh of not less than one and one-half inches to take akule; provided that no akule measuring less than eight and one-half inches in total length from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail shall be taken with a net during the months of July, August, September, and October;
(6) All persons engaged in surround net fishing with scuba, may use nets with mesh of not less than one and one-half inches only to bag and transport the fish captured with legal gear to the shore or the boat; and
(7) All persons may use hand nets or scoop nets of smaller mesh to take fish or other marine life for noncommercial purposes only; provided that the net, including any handle and other attachment thereto, shall not exceed three feet in any dimension.
(b) Any person violating this provision shall be subject to penalty as provided under sections 187A-12.5 and 188-70, HRS. Each violation may constitute a separate offense.

Haw. Code R. § 13-75-14

[Eff: DEC 03 1998; am and comp MAR 02 2007] (Auth: HRS § 187A-5) (Imp: HRS § 187A-5)
Am and comp 3/11/2023