Footnotes to Exhibit A:
Air Contaminant Rule Limits are the most restrictive of the federal limits, ACGIH limits and existing HIOSH limits.
* The PEL-TWA's are 7- to 8-hour TWA's, unless otherwise noted.
** Unless otherwise noted, employers in General Industry (i.e., those covered by Part 2 of the HIOSH standards) may use any combination of controls to achieve these limits, until December 31, 1992.
a. STEL duration is for 15 minutes, unless otherwise noted.b. The CAS number is for information only. Enforcement is based on the substance name. For an entry covering more than one metal compound measured as the metal, the CAS number for the metal is given--not the CAS numbers for the individual compounds.c. Ppm are in parts of vapor or gas per million parts of contaminated air by volume at 25oC and 760 torr.d. Mg/m3 are approximate milligrams of substance per cubic meter of air.e. The final benzene standard in section 1910.1028 applies to all occupational exposures to benzene except some sub segments of industry where exposures are consistently under the action level (e.g., distribution and sale of fuels, sealed containers and pipelines, coke production, oil and gas drilling and production, natural gas processing, and the percentage exclusion for liquid mixtures); for the excepted sub segments, the benzene limits in Exhibit B apply.f. Coal tar pitch volatiles mean the fused polycyclic hydrocarbons that volatilize from the distillation residues of coal, petroleum, (excluding asphalt, CAS 8052-42-4 and CAS 64742-93-4), wood, and other organic matter.g. Cotton dust refers to lint-free dust as measured by the vertical elutriator, cotton-dust sampler described in the Transactions of the National Conference on Dust, p. 33 by J.R. Lynch, (May 2, 1970). The PEL-TWA in the exhibit applies to respirable dust as measured by a vertical elutriator cotton dust sampler or equivalent instrument. The time-weighted average applies to the cotton waste processing operations of waste cycling (sorting, blending, cleaning, and willowing) and garreting. See also section 1910.1043.h. Fibrous glass dust means particles <7um in diameter.i. Oil mist as sampled by a method that does not collect vapor.j. Compliance with the Subtilisins PEL-TWA is assessed by sampling with a high volume sampler (600-800 liters per minute) for at least 60 minutes,k. For control of tetraethyl lead and tetramethyl lead in general room air, biologic monitoring is essential for personnel monitoring,l. Most Occupational exposures to EGDN actually involve mixtures of EGDN and nitroglycerin (NG). This EGDN:NG mixture has a PEL-STEL of 0.1 mg/m3.m. See Exhibit B from the exposure limits for any operations or sectors where the exposure limits in §1910.1026 are stayed or otherwise not in effect,n. If the exposure limit in §1910.1026 is stayed or is otherwise not in effect, the exposure limit is ceiling of 0.1 mg/m3 Haw. Code R. tit. 12, subtit. 8, pt. 2, ch. 60, exh. A