Section 12-24-10 - Dismissal of complaint(a) The hearing officer shall dismiss the complaint: (1) If it is determined that the department does not have jurisdiction over the complaint; or(2) If the complainant has failed to cooperate with the department in regard to the complaint, and the department has received no response from the complainant within twenty days after the date of the notice to the complainant of the department's intent to dismiss the complaint; or(3) If the complainant cannot be located, and the complainant has not responded within twenty days to a notice sent by the department to the complainant's last known address; or(4) If a settlement has been reached between the parties as described in section 12-24-12, which is in writing and specific in its terms.(b) In the event of any dismissal of a complaint, the complainant shall be notified by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the reason or reasons for dismissal. The respondent shall be notified in writing of the dismissal and of the reasons therefor.[Eff. SEP. 11, 1981] (Auth: HRS § 378-38) (Imp: HRS § 378-38)