Rule 97-2-.02 - Provisions(1) Administrative revocations are based on one or more violations of the written conditions of placement and may result in a return to or placement in an institutional treatment program or other change in placement when it is determined that such return or placement is necessary for the youth's treatment and rehabilitation. It is not necessary to follow revocation procedures if the youth is to be removed from the placement during the initial sixty-day trial period.(2) Revocations may take place as a result of violations of the conditions of community placement. If a youth has been accused of the commission of an act of delinquency or unruliness, a complaint should be filed with the juvenile court having jurisdiction in accordance with the court's local operating procedures. If the court will not authorize the filing of a petition, a violation report may be filed alleging that the conditions of placement have been violated in that the youth committed a delinquent or unruly act. The matter can then be handled as an administrative revocation.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 97-2-.02
O.C.G.A. Sec. 49-4A-1, et seq.
Original Rule entitled "Provisions" adopted. F. May 26, 1993; eff. July 1, 1993, as specified by the Agency.Amended: F. May 28, 1997; eff July 1, 1997, as specified by the Agency.