Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
Rule 96-1-.04 - Abstinence Until Marriage(1) PURPOSE. This grant program is intended for the initiation of programs seeking to prevent teen sexual activity. Funding will be devoted exclusively to abstinence until marriage programs seeking to prevent teen pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, school drop outs, out-of-wedlock teen births, abortions and welfare dependency. Programs will provide abstinence education and, where appropriate, mentoring, counseling, and adult supervision to promote abstinence from sexual activity, with a focus on those groups which are most likely to bear children out-of-wedlock.(2) TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Grant recipients are required to submit semi-annual progress reports outlining project activities, number and composition of participating youth and progress in meeting project goals. Grant funds are administered on a reimbursement basis only. Recipients must comply with federal and state financial regulations relating to purchases, contracts, audit requirements and the maintenance of financial records. A final evaluation report must be submitted and approved by GOCF staff prior to final reimbursement of grant funds. Grant recipients must provide 40% matching non-federal cash and/or in-kind funds.(3) ELIGIBLE RECIPIENTS. Eligible applicants for the Spring 2009 cycle include current programs who are seeking 2nd or 3rd year funding. Applicants include local governments, school systems, faith-based organizations, and non-profit organizations.(4) AWARD CRITERIA. Completed proposals contain a project narrative outlining statement of need, goals and objectives, methods, evaluation and a continuation plan; detailed budget narrative; signed certifications; and letters of support. Applicants must comply with specific programmatic requirements published in the 2009 Abstinence Until Marriage Request for Proposals.(5) DIRECTIONS AND DEADLINES FOR APPLYING. Specific directions are contained in the 2009 Abstinence Until Marriage Request for Proposals, which is available on the GOCF website ( Applications are due May 26, 2009 by 5:00 p.m. Interested parties should contact Danielle Ruedt, Public Health Programs Coordinator, at 55 Park Place, NE, Suite 410, Atlanta, Georgia 30303, (404) 656-5168 or e-mail Comp. R. & Regs. R. 96-1-.04
O.C.G.A. Sec. 49-5-135 and P.L. 104-193, Section 10, Title V of the Social Security Act, as amended.
Original grant description entitled "Abstinence Education" submitted December 19, 1997.Submitted: July 12, 1999.Submitted: June 22, 2000.Submitted: Jan. 12, 2001.Submitted: Dec. 20, 2001.Submitted: Jan. 10, 2003.Submitted: Dec. 16, 2003.Submitted: Dec. 22, 2004.Submitted: June 12, 2006.Submitted: Grant entitled "Abstinence Until Marriage" Dec. 21, 2006.Submitted: Dec. 27, 2007.Submitted: July 16, 2008.Submitted: Mar. 26, 2009.