Rule 665-1-1-.01 - General DefinitionsThe following definitions shall apply generally to all rules and regulations of the Georgia Technology Authority:
(a) "Georgia Technology Authority," "Authority," or "GTA" means the Georgia Technology Authority as established in Code Section 50-25-1et seq. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the obligations, duties, and responsibilities of the Georgia Technology Authority contained within these rules may be executed by the CIO and Executive Director of the Georgia Technology Authority or his/her designee.(b) "Board" means the board of directors for the Georgia Technology Authority.(c) "Chief information officer" or "CIO" means the chief information officer of the State of Georgia provided for by Code Section 50-25-5.1.(d) "Private sector" means any non-government, privately or publicly owned entity.(e) "Technology" or technology resources" means hardware, software, and communications equipment, including, but not limited to, personal computers, mainframes, wide and local area networks, servers, mobile or portable computers, peripheral equipment, telephones, wireless communications, public safety radio services, facsimile machines, technology facilities including but not limited to, data centers, dedicated training facilities, and switching facilities, and other relevant hardware and software items as well as personnel tasked with the planning, implementation, and support of technology. Related consulting services shall also be included within this definition.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 665-1-1-.01
O.C.G.A. Sec. 50-25-1.
Original Rule entitled "General Definitions" adopted. F. Apr. 16, 2001; eff. May 6, 2001.