A Center shall establish and implement written policies and procedures which shall be kept current, be consistent with applicable laws, regulations and these rules, made available to the Parent(s) and used to govern the operations of the Center.
(1) The policies and procedures shall include the following: (a) A description of services to be provided which specifies the ages of children to be served, days and times of operations and days and times that the Center is closed;(b) A description of enrollment and admission requirements which specifies the Parents' responsibilities for supplying needed information to the Center and escorting the child to and from the Center;(c) A fee and payment schedule that specifies the standard fees, fees related to absences and vacations and other charges and fees such as transportation and late fees;(d) A description of the Center's transportation and field trip services (see rule .36 about transportation requirements);(e) A description of handling administration of medication (see rule .20 about medications), and notifying Parent(s) of noticeable adverse reactions to prescribed medications;(f) A description of parental notification in cases of illnesses and injury and exclusion of sick children (see rule .07 about children's health);(g) A description of parental notification when a notifiable communicable disease is present (see rule .07 about children's health);(h) A description of handling medical emergencies (see rule .07 about children's health);(i) A description of meals and snacks served, including guidelines for food brought from the child's home;(j) Permission for access by the child's Parent(s) to all Center areas used by the child (see rule .22 about parental access);(k) Child abuse reporting law requirements;(l) A description of behavior management and discipline actions used by the Center;(m) Nondiscrimination statement;(n) Center-sponsored religious and cultural activities, if any;(o) If licensed for the care of an infant or toddler: Center's diapering procedures, Center's toilet training procedures, and Center's feeding procedures;(p) A written plan for handling emergencies, including but not limited to severe weather, loss of electrical power or water and death, serious injury or loss of a child, a threatening event, or natural disaster which may occur at the Center. The Center will have in place procedures for evacuation, relocation, shelter-in-place, lock-down, communication and reunification with families, and continuity of operations. The plan must apply to all children in care and will include specific accommodations for infants and toddlers, children with disabilities, and children with chronic medical conditions. Such plan shall include assurance that no Center Personnel will impede in any way the delivery of emergency care or services to a child by licensed or certified emergency health care professionals.(q) A description of the safe sleep practices followed by the Center that includes the following information: the initial placement of infants on their backs to sleep; no cover or other soft items in crib; appropriate sleep clothing for infants to be provided by Parent; individual crib, cot or mat and bedding provided and changing and cleaning practices for these items; infants who fall asleep in other equipment, on the floor or elsewhere will be moved to a crib to sleep; and no swaddling or positioning devices used.(2) The Center shall have written documentation signed by the Parent(s) in each child's file that the Director or designee has: provided to the Parent(s) a copy of the Center's policies and procedures required by this rule; advised the Parent(s) of the safe sleep practices followed by the Center; advised the Parent(s) of the child's progress, issues relating to the child's care and individual practices concerning the child's special needs; and encouraged participation by Parent(s) in Center activities.(3) The Center shall conduct drills for fire, tornado and other emergency situations. The fire drills will be conducted monthly and tornado and other emergency situation drills will be conducted every six months. The Center shall maintain documentation of the dates and times of these drills for two years.(4) The Center shall provide the Parent(s) with a copy of the Center's policies and procedures as required by this rule.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 591-1-1-.21
O.C.G.A. § 20-1A-1et seq.
Original Rule entitled "Operational Policies and Procedures" adopted. F. Dec. 23, 1997; eff. Mar. 1, 1998, as specified by the Agency.Amended: F. Aug. 25, 2008; eff. Sept. 14, 2008.Amended: F. May 16, 2013; eff. June 5, 2013.Amended: F. Dec. 4, 2015; eff. Dec. 24, 2015.Amended: F. Sep. 26, 2016; eff. Oct. 16, 2016.Amended: F. May 26, 2017; eff. June 15, 2017.