Rule 539-2-.04 - Course Examinations(1) Every approved course offered to meet preclassification education shall conclude with an examination prepared and administered by the approved school.(2) Schools must require that students achieve a passing score (a score consistent with the passing score required on state classification examinations) on final examinations administered for approved courses. Schools may elect to allow any student who fails to achieve a passing score to take another examination on another day without repeating in-class instruction. If a student fails to achieve a passing score on a second final examination, the student must repeat all in-class instruction of that course before taking another examination.(3) Schools shall maintain at least four forms of a final examination for each course and shall provide the Board with reasonable assurances that Board approved examinations are secure from distribution to students except upon administration of an examination and that the school will follow such instructions as the Board may prescribe covering the administration, storage, and disposition of any Board approved examinations that it receives. The Board may impose any disciplinary action permitted by law on the approval of any school which fails to provide proper security for Board approved examinations.(4) Final examinations for an approved course should attempt to measure the student's competence in the knowledge or skills taught in the approved course. A school shall not be required to submit a course final examination to the Board if the examination: (a) consists of multiple-choice questions with a minimum of four choices for each question; and(b) includes no fewer than two multiple-choice questions for each credit hour of the course. A school must submit to the Board for approval any course final examination that does not meet the above criteria prior to the examination's being administered for the approved course.(5) Whenever a school selects someone other than the school director, school coordinator, or approved instructor as a proctor to administer a course final examination, that person may not be personally related to the student taking the examination or associated with the student in any real estate or appraisal practice. A school must require that any proctor for final examinations sign and date a statement indicating that the proctor personally administered the course final examination and that the proctor administered the examination according to the requirements of this chapter.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 539-2-.04
Authority O.C.G.A. Secs. 43-39A-3, 43-39A-8, 43-39A-9, 43-39A-11, 43-39A-13, 43-39A-18, 43-39A-22.
Original Rule entitled "Course Examinations" adopted. F. Sept. 25, 1990; eff. Oct. 15, 1990.Amended: F. June 8, 1993; eff. June 28, 1993.Amended: F. Oct. 6, 1998; eff. Oct. 26, 1998.Amended: F. July 21, 2000; eff. August 10, 2000.Amended: F. Jan. 24, 2014; eff. Feb. 15, 2014, as specified by the Board.