Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 539-1-.21
Violations | Maximum Fine per Violation |
Where an examination of an approved school reveals a violation of requirements set forth in 539-2-.03; 520-3-.03; 539-2-.04; 539-2-.06(1) & (2); 539-2-.08; 539-2-.09; 539-2-.11; 539-2-.12; 539-2-.14; or 539-5-.04. | Fine of $100.00 |
Where an appraiser commits an error or omission in the development or reporting of an appraisal which violates one or more of the standards contained in Chapter 539-3 but which does not materially affect the validity of the appraisal or the appraisal report. | Fine of $200.00 |
Failure of an appraiser to print or type the appraiser's name, classification, and number assigned by the Board on any advertisment, document or instrument used by the appraiser which bears reference to the appraiser's classification. 43-39A-10 & 539-1-.17. | Fine of $200.00 |
Paying a finder's fee or a referral fee to a person who is not an appraiser in connection with a real estate appraisal. 43-39A-18(a)(5) | Fine of $200.00 |
Where an approved school violates one or more of the requirements set forth in 539-2-.14 in the development or offering of independent study courses. | Fine of $200.00 |
Engaging in real estate appraisal activity under an assumed or fictitious name not properly registered with the Secretary of State or with a political subdivision of this state as a name or trade name. 43- 39A-18(a)(4) | Fine of $200.00 |
Where an appraiser utilizes in other than a ministerial capacity, the services of a person who does not hold a current, active appraisal classification in developing an appraisal, in preparing an appraisal report, or in communicating an appraisal. 43-39A-18(a)(18) | Fine of $200.00 |
Failure of an appraiser to print or type adjacent to his or her signature on an appraisal report or any other document or instrument used by the appraiser which bears reference to the appraiser's classification status and his or her signature, the appraiser's name, classification, and number assigned by the Board. 43-39A-10 & 539-1-.17. | Fine of $200.00 |
Failure of an appraiser to retain for five years an original or copy of each appraisal report prepared by or signed by the appraiser along with all supporting data upon which the appraiser relied in developing the appraisal and preparing the report. 43-39A-18(a)(12) | Fine of $200.00 per appraisal |
Where an approved school offers a course without the Board's prior approval if such prior approval is required. 43-39A-8(c), 539-2-.02(2), 539-2-.03, & 539-2-.05 | Fine of $200.00 per student enrolled |
Where an appraiser engages in real estate appraisal activities in violation of 539-1-.08 beyond the month in which an appraisal classification lapses for non payment of renewal fees. | Fine of $200.00 per appraisal transaction |
Where an approved school fails to have a student complete the required number of hours in any course or to complete all exercises and/or examinations required by the school. 539-2-.07 | Fine of $500.00 or $100.00 per student, whichever is greater |
Failure of an appraiser to notify the Board of a conviction or violation within ten days of the conclusion of court or administrative proceedings. 539-1-.09. | Fine of $200.00 |
Where an approved school allows a person who has not been approved by the Board as an instructor to instruct an approved course. 539-2-.06(3) | Fine of $300.00 per course |
Where an appraiser has made a false statement of material fact on his or her application or caused to be submitted or been a party to preparing or submitting any falsified application to the Board on paper, electronically, or by any other means or media. 43-39A-4.1, 43-39A- 14(d), 539-2-.13(1), & 539-5-.05(1). | Fine of $400.00 |
Where the annual percentage of students passing the state appraisal examination from an approved school falls ten percentage points or more below the percentage of all examinees passing a state examination in any two consecutive calendar years. 539-2-.13(2) | Fine of $500.00 |
And such other violations and fines as the Board and the respondent parties agree upon.
Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 539-1-.21
O.C.G.A. Secs. 43-39A-8, 43-39A-10, 43-39A-13, 43-39A-14, 43-39A-18, 43-39A-18.1