Rule 539-1-.19 - Significant Professional Assistance(1) Whenever an appraiser utilizes the assistance of an unclassified person in the development or reporting of an apprisal assignment, the appraiser is responsible for the acts of the unclassified person and therefore subject to disciplinary action by the Board if the acts of the unclassified person violate any of the provisions of this Chapter. Unclassified persons may perform only duties and tasks that are ministerial in nature and that do not require discretion or the exercise of judgement independent of the appraiser's specific instruction. Unclassified persons may not render significant professional assistance in arriving at a real estate appraisal analysis, opinion, or conslusion.(2) In order to provide reasonable guidelines for appraisers and those persons who assist appraisers but without defining every permitted or prohibited activity, the Board has identified the following tasks that unclassified persons assisting an appraiser can and can not perform. (a) Permitted activities (those which do not involve significant professional assistance) for unclassified persons assisting appraisers and under the supervision of the appraiser include: 1. typing an appraiser's research notes;2. typing an appraisal report;3. accompanying an appraiser on an inspection visit to a property;4. assisting an appraiser in measuring a property;5. taking photographs of specific areas and views of specific properties selected by the appraiser;6. performing routine calculations;7. obtaining copies of tax cards, deeds, maps, and data from real property data bases relating to properties selected by the appraiser;8. checking for accuracy data selected by the appraiser;(b) Prohibited activites (those which involve significant professional assistance) for unclassified persons assisting appraisers and under the direct supervision of the appraiser include:1. signing an appraisal report;2. discussing any confidential information in an appraisal assignment or discussing an appraisal report with anyone other than the appraiser responsible for the assignment;3. selecting comparables for an appraisal assignment;4. making adjustments to comparables;5. drafting an appraisal report;6. except when working in the presence of a classified appraiser: (i) inspecting a property that is the subject of an appraisal or that may be used as a comparable in an appraisal; or(ii) measuring a property.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 539-1-.19
O.C.G.A. Secs. 43-39A-3, 43-39A-13, 43-39A-24.
Original Rule entitled "Significant Professional Assistance" adopted. F.Jan. 15 1997; eff. Feb. 4, 1997.