Rule 539-1-.17 - Disclosure of Appraiser Classification and Number(1) When signing an appraisal report, an appraiser shall, adjacent to his or her signature, print or type his or her name, appraiser classification, and number assigned by the Board.(2) When an appraiser makes reference to his or her appraiser classification status in any advertisement, statement of qualification, contract, or other instrument used by the appraiser, the appraiser shall print or type his or her name, appraiser classification, and number assigned by the Board. If the appraiser signs such document or advertisement, the appraiser shall, adjacent to his or her signature, print or type his or her name, appraiser classification and number assigned by the Board. Such disclosure is usually most clearly accomplished by spelling out the name of the key words in classification name: e.g.,"Registered," "Licensed," "Certified Residential," or "Certified General."(3) A State Registered Real Property Appraiser must clearly disclose such Registered appraiser's classification type on any appraisal report form that calls for inserting a classification number beside the names of such non-Registered classification types as licensed or certified. Thus, a State Registered Real Property Appraiser who draws a line through the name of the non-Registered classification type and enters the word "Registered" followed by such Registered appraiser's number issued by the Board shall be deemed to have complied with the requirements of this Rule.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 539-1-.17
O.C.G.A. Secs. 43-39A-3, 43-39A-8, 43-39A-13.
Original Rule entitled "Disclosure of Appraiser Classification and Number" adopted. F. June 10, 1992; eff. June 30, 1992.Amended: F. Nov. 22, 2002; eff. Dec. 12, 2002.Amended: F. Mar. 20, 2003; eff. Apr. 9, 2003.