Rule 539-1-.07 - Reactivation of Inactive Appraiser Classification(1) Any appraiser who seeks to activate an appraiser classification which has been on inactive status and who is not current in meeting continuing education requirements shall be required to attend any Board approved course or courses of study necessary to bring such appraiser's continuing education requirements current.(2) Any nonresident appraiser who seeks to activate an appraiser classification which has been on inactive status and who is current in meeting the continuing education requirements in his or her state of residence shall not be required to attend any additional education courses in order to activate such nonresident's appraiser classification.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 539-1-.07
O.C.G.A. Secs. 43-39A-3; 43-39A-8; 43-39A-13.
Original Rule entitled "Reactivation of Inactive Registration, License, or Certification" adopted. F. Sept. 25, 1990; eff. Oct. 15, 1990.Amended: Rule retitled "Reactivation of Inactive Appraiser Classification". F. Sept. 16, 1992; eff. Oct. 6, 1992.Amended: F. Aug. 2, 1995; eff. Aug. 22, 1995.