Rule 539-1-.01 - Organization(1) The public may obtain information regarding the operation of the Board or make submissions to the Board by addressing inquiries to the Georgia Real Estate Appraisers Board, Suite 1000 - International Tower, 229 Peachtree Street, N. E., Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1605.(2) At its first regularly scheduled meeting of the calendar year, the Board shall select from its members a chairperson. An election of a chairperson may also occur at such time as the chairperson may vacate that position or at such time as the number of members which constitute a quorum may call for a new election. Such election shall be by secret ballot with all eligible members listed on the first ballot and balloting continuing until a member obtains a majority of the votes cast.(3) At its first regularly scheduled meeting of the calendar year, the board shall select from its members a vice-chairperson. An election of a vice-chairperson may also occur at such times as the vice-chairperson may vacate that position or at such time as the number of members which constitute a quorum may call for a new election. Such election shall be by secret ballot with all members listed on the first ballot and balloting continuing until a member obtains a majority of the votes cast. The vice-chairperson shall preside in the absence of the chairperson and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the chairperson.(4) Except as may otherwise be provided for in the contested cases in Chapter 539-4 Procedural Rules and in the Georgia Administrative Procedure Act, all requests for appearances before the board shall be governed by the provisions of this paragraph. All requests for scheduled appearances before the board shall be submitted in writing to the board at the address listed in paragraph (1) above. The board shall schedule an appearance at the board's regularly scheduled quarterly meeting for the first three persons or groups submitting a written request to the board's offices during regular business hours on or before the first day of the month preceding the quarterly meeting at which such person or group desires to be heard. Any person not scheduled to be heard by the board who desires to be heard may, at the discretion of the board, be allowed to appear before the board at the end of its scheduled business at any scheduled meeting. Except by leave of the board, all scheduled appearances before the board shall be limited to fifteen minutes and all unscheduled appearances before the board shall be limited to five minutes.(5) Any interested person may petition the board requesting the promulgation, amendment, or repeal of a Rule. Such petition shall be in writing and the signature of the petitioner notarized. Within thirty (30) days after submission of a petition, the board either shall deny the petition in writing stating its reasons for denial or shall instigate rule-making procedures in accordance with the Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.(6) The board shall supply declaratory rulings as to the applicability of any statutory provision or of any of its Rules. Requests for declaratory rulings must be in writing and the signature of the petitioner notarized. The board shall respond to a request for a declaratory ruling within thirty (30) days of its next scheduled meeting after its receipt of said request except when the board feels it would be in the best interest of the board to seek the opinion of the Attorney General. Nothing in this paragraph shall limit or impair the right of the board to seek the opinion of the Attorney General on any question of law connected with the duties of the board. The board shall not render a declaratory ruling on petitions on matters related to investigate hearings pending before it at the time of the petition.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 539-1-.01
O.C.G.A. Secs. 43-39A-3, 43-39A-13.
Original Rule entitled "Organization" adopted. F. Sept. 25, 1990; eff. Oct. 15, 1990.Amended: Mar. 27, 1995; eff. Apr. 16, 1995.Amended: F. Nov. 18, 2004; eff. Dec. 8, 2004.