Rule 510-10-.03 - Psychological Assessment(1) Definitions: (a)Psychological Testing is defined as the use of assessment instruments that measure mental abilities, personality characteristics, or neuropsychological functioning in order to diagnose, render opinions, treat, classify or evaluate mental and nervous disorders and illnesses including organic brain disorders and brain damage.(b)Mental Abilities are defined as abilities that are psychological in nature, as opposed to physical in nature. Mental abilities include, but are not limited to, intelligence, cognition, attention, concentration, memory, language, abstraction, creativity and problem solving.(c)Personality Characteristics are defined as personality states, traits, attitudes, emotional conditions, self-image, motivation and interpersonal behaviors. Personality assessment includes objective and projective personality tests.(d)Neuropsychological Functioning is defined as the psychological manifestations of brain functioning. Neuropsychological testing is the use of psychological tests and assessment techniques to assess brain functioning and to diagnose brain pathology, organic brain disorders, and brain damage. Neuropsychological functioning includes, but is not limited to, sensory-motor functioning, attention, concentration, memory language, abstraction, problem solving, visual spatial ability, executive functioning and personality.(2) The administration and interpretation of tests for psychological purposes constitutes the practice of psychology, and, accordingly, requires that the individual administering and interpreting such psychological tests be currently licensed by the State of Georgia as a psychologist. Students, trainees or assistants who satisfy the requisite statutory and rule requirements may administer and interpret psychological tests under the direct supervision of a currently licensed psychologist. (b) Psychologists also administer and interpret other tests, including but not limited to educational and vocational tests, interest inventories, academic achievement tests, test that evaluate marital and family functioning, and test that assess alcohol and substance abuse and dependence, however these other tests are not entirely within the domain of the profession of psychology alone.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 510-10-.03
O.C.G.A. Secs. 43-1-19, 43-1-25, 43-39-1, 43-39-5, 43-39-7, 43-39-14, 43-39-17.
Original Rule entitled "Psychological Assessment" adopted. F. Dec. 20, 1994; eff. Jan. 9, 1995.Repealed: New Rule of same title adopted. F. Oct. 29, 2003; eff. Nov. 18, 2003.