Rule 478-4-.05 - Assessment and Certification(1) Self-Assessment. Positions that require general health conditions may be included in general standards of medical and physical fitness that provide for the Prospective Employee to assess oneself by completing a questionnaire or statement form. (10-31-96/1-31-97)(2) Limited Physical Examination. Positions having essential functions that may involve moderate to heavy physical activity or exposure to conditions that normally place the employee or public in unhealthy risk situations may require a Limited Physical Examination for assessing if the Prospective Employee meets the appropriate standards of medical and physical fitness. The examination may be performed by a State Physican; however, the employee may choose to use any licensed medical practitioner other than a State Physician who is designated by the employing department. (10-31-96/1-31-97)(3) Full Physical Examination. Prospective Employees for positions having essential functions that require strenuous physical activity or potentially life-threatening working conditions shall be assessed by a Full Physical Examination. The examination may be performed by a State Physician; however, the employee may choose to use any licensed medical practitioner other than a State Physician who is designated by the employing department. (10-31-96/1-31-97)(4) Certification. Certification that the Prospective Employee meets the standards of medical and physical fitness may be completed by the Prospective Employee or a State Physician. (10-31-96/ 1-31-97) (a) A department may accept the self-assessment as self-certification that the individual meets the general standards of medical and physical fitness to perform the essential functions of a position for which the general standards apply; however, the department may refer the form of self-assessment and the essential functions required of the Prospective Employee to a State Physician for assessment and certification that the Prospective Employee meets the standards of medical and physical fitness to perform the essential functions of the position. (10-31-96/1-31-97)(b) A department may accept the results of the Limited Physical Examination or Full Physical Examination and statement of assessment by a State Physician that the Prospective Employee meets the standards of medical and physical fitness to perform the essential functions of the specific position. (10-31-96/1-31-97)(c) A department may receive or designate a place for the receipt of the results of a Limited Physical Examination or Full Physical Examination report by a medical practitioner other than a State Physician. Based upon the report and any additional information required to make an assessment, a State Physician shall make an assessment of the results and determine if the Prospective Employee may be certified as meeting the standards of medical and physical fitness to perform the essential functions of the specific position. (10-31-96/1-31-97)(5) Cost. A department may develop a written policy that establishes the conditions under which the department or the Prospective Employee must pay the cost of a Limited or Full Physical Examination. (10-31-96/1-31-97) (a) Department Pay. The respective department may use appropriated funds for payment to pay a State Physician for performing the Limited or Full Physical Examination and certification. (10-31-96/1-31-97)(b) Employee Pay. The respective employing department may develop or participate in a pricing arrangement by which the "State Physician" may charge the Prospective Employee for a Limited or Full Physical Examination and certification. (10-31-96/1-31-97)(c) Employee Pay. When a Prospective Employee chooses to use a medical practitioner other than a "State Physician", the employee shall pay the charge made by the medical practitioner. (10-31-96/1-31-97)(6) Reasonable Accommodations. A department shall provide reasonable accommodation to the extent required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. Sect 12010 et seq. The department shall take into consideration the report from the examining medical practitioner that the Prospective Employee does not have any condition that would impair the fulfillment of the prescribed duties of the position and the certification statement of a State Physician when complying with the requirements of federal and state law. (10-31-96/ 1-31-97)Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 478-4-.05
O.C.G.A. Sec. 45-2-40.
Original Rule entitled "Assessment and Certification" adopted. F. Feb. 7, 1997; eff. Jan. 31, 1997, as specified by the Board.