Rule 40-7-7-.15 - Tolerances for Defects for Pecans in the Shell(1) In order to allow for variations incident to proper grading and handling in each of the foregoing grades, the following tolerances are provided as specified: (a) Georgia No. 1: 1. For shell defects, by count, allow 5 percent for pecans with damaged shells, including therein not more than 2 percent for shells which are seriously damaged.2. For kernel defects, by count, allow 12 percent for pecans with kernels which fail to meet the requirements for the grade or for any specified color classification, including therein not more than 5 percent for kernels which are seriously damaged by any cause. In addition, 8 percent for kernels which fail to meet the color requirements for the grade or for any specified color classification, but which are not seriously damaged by dark discoloration of the skin-provided, that these kernels meet the requirements for the grade other than skin color.3. For loose extraneous or foreign material, by weight, allow 0.6 percent (one-half of 1 percent).(b) Georgia Commercial: 1. For shell defects, by count, allow 10 percent for pecans with damaged shells, including therein not more than 3 percent for shells which are seriously damaged.2. For kernel defects, by count, allow 30 percent for pecans with kernels which fail to meet the requirement of the Georgia No. 1 grade, including therein not more than 10 percent for pecans with kernels which are seriously damaged-provided, that not more than six-tenths of this amount, or 6 percent, shall be allowed for kernels which are rancid, moldy, decayed or injured by insects.3. For loose extraneous or foreign material, by weight, allow 0.5 percent (one-half of 1 percent).Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 40-7-7-.15
Ga. L. 1956 as amended; O.C.G.A. Sec. 26-2-1et seq.
Original Rule entitled "Tolerance for Defects for Pecans in the Shell" adopted. F. Apr. 30, 1996; eff. May 20, 1996.