Rule 40-7-7-.10 - Terms Used in Interpreting the Standards for Grades of Shelled Pecans(1) "Half Kernel" means one of the separated halves of an entire pecan kernel with not more than one-eight of its original volume missing, exclusive of the portion which formerly connected the two halves of the kernel.(2) "Piece" means a portion of a kernel which is less than seven-eighths of a half kernel, but which will not pass through a round opening two-sixteenths inch in diameter.(3) "Particles and dust" means, for all size designations except "midget pieces" and "granules," fragments of kernels which will pass through a round opening two-sixteenths inch in diameter.(4) "Well dried" means that the portion of kernel is firm and crisp, not pliable or leathery.(5) "Fairly well developed" means that the kernel has at least a moderate amount of meat in proportion to its width and length. (See Figure 1.) Figure 1
1. WELL DEVELOPED Lower limit. Kernels having less meat content than these are not considered well developed.
2. FAIRLY WELL DEVELOPED Lower limit for U. S. No. 1 grade. Kernels having less meat content than these are not considered fairly well developed and are classed as damaged.
3. POORLY DEVELOPED Lower limit, damaged but not seriously damaged. Kernels having less meat content than these are considered undeveloped and are classed as seriously damaged.
(6) "Poorly developed" means that the kernel has a small amount of meat in proportion to its width and length. (See Figure 1).(7) "Fairly uniform in color" means that 90 percent or more of the kernels in the lot have skin color within the range of one or two color classifications.(8) "Fairly uniform in size" means that, in a representative sample of 100 halves, the 10 smallest halves weigh not less than one-half as much as the 10 largest halves.(9) "Damage" means any specific defect described in this section; or an equally objectionable variation of any one of these defects, or any other defect, or any combination of defects, which materially detracts from the appearance or the edible or marketing quality of the individual portion of the kernel or of the lot as a whole. The following defects should be considered as damage:(a) Adhering material from inside the shell when attached to more than one-fourth of the surface on one side of the half-kernel or piece.(b) Dust or dirt adhering to the kernel when conspicuous.(c) Kernel which is not well dried.(d) Kernel which is "dark amber" or darker color.(e) Kernel having more than one dark kernel spot, or one dark kernel spot more than one-eighth inch in greatest dimension.(f) Shriveling when the surface of the kernel is very conspicuously wrinkled.(g) Internal flesh discoloration of a medium shade of gray or brown extending more than one-fourth the length of the half-kernel or piece, or lesser areas of dark discoloration affecting the appearance to an equal or greater extent.(h) "Poorly developed kernel." (See Figure 1.)(10) "Serious damage" means any specific defect described in this section; or an equally objectionable variation of any one of these defects, or any other defect, or any combination of defects, which seriously detracts from the appearance or the edible or marketing quality of the individual portion of kernel or of the lot as a whole. The following defects shall be considered as serious damage: (a) Any plainly visible mold.(b) Rancidity when the kernel is distinctly rancid to the taste. Staleness of flavor shall not be classed as rancidity.(c) Decay affecting any portion of the kernel.(d) Insects, web, or frass or any distinct evidence of insect feeding on the kernel.(e) Internal discoloration which is dark gray, dark brown, or black and extends more than one-third the length of the half-kernel or piece.(f) Adhering material from inside the shell when attached to more than one-half of the surface on one side of the half-kernel or piece.(g) Dark Kernel spots when more than three are on the kernel, or when any dark kernel spot or the aggregate of two or more spots affect an area of more than 10 percent of the surface of the half kernel or piece.(h) Dark skin discoloration, darker than "dark brown," when covering more than one-fourth of the surface of the half kernel or piece.(i) Undeveloped kernel. (See Figure 1.)Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 40-7-7-.10
Ga. L. 1956 as amended; O.C.G.A. Sec. 26-2.1et seq.
Original Rule entitled "Terms Used in Interpreting the Grades of Shelled Pecans" adopted. F. Apr. 30, 1996; eff. May 20, 1996.