Rule 40-7-19-.07 - Inspections(1) The Department will conduct an inspection of the home kitchen of a cottage food operator: (a) Prior to issuing the Cottage Food License;(b) For the investigation of a consumer complaint; or(c) For the investigation of a foodborne disease outbreak, or other public health emergency.(2) A pre-operational inspection must be performed prior to the issuance of a Cottage Food License by a Compliance Specialist. The cottage food operator must ensure: (a) That they understand that only cottage food products disclosed on their registration form can be produced;(b) That only standard, residential (non-commercial) kitchen equipment is being utilized in the manufacture of cottage food products;(c) That the home kitchen equipment is acceptable for the intended products;(d) That food contact surfaces and utensils are smooth and easily cleanable;(e) That the permitted area is free from the presence of rodents and insects, and that there are no points of entry visible prior to starting operations;(f) That facilities are available to properly store ingredients and finished products according to the Regulations in 40-7-19;(g) That they have a copy of the Food Safety Directives ( 40-7-19-.08) and understand them;(h) That they are aware of the labeling requirements for cottage food products, including allergen declarations and the cottage food statement; and(i) That they have a scale if their COTTAGE FOOD PRODUCTS are sold by weight.(3) Inspections conducted in response to consumer complaints or foodborne disease outbreaks will be unannounced or commence within one (1) hour of receiving notice of the intent to conduct an inspection.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 40-7-19-.07
O.C.G.A. § 26-2-34.
Original Rule entitled "Inspections" adopted. F. Aug. 7, 2012; eff. Aug. 27, 2012.Amended: F. Feb. 24, 2021; eff. Mar. 16, 2021.