Rule 40-7-19-.03 - RegistrationA cottage food operator must register with the Georgia Department of Agriculture's Food Safety Division before commencing operations. The application for registration must include the following:
(1) The business name and home address of the cottage food operator;(2) A list of the cottage food products that the cottage food operator intends to produce;(3) Indication of private or public water system. If a public water system is utilized for the manufacture of cottage food products, the cottage food operator must attach a copy of their most recent water bill to the registration form;(4) Indication that the cottage food operator has attended and passed a Food Safety training class accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). A copy of their certificate must be attached to the registration form;(5) Indication that the cottage food operator has checked with their municipal and county governments to ensure a home business is allowed; and(6) An affidavit attesting that, by completing the registration form, the cottage food operator expressly grants the Georgia Department of Agriculture the right of entry to the residence during normal business hours, or at other reasonable times, for investigation of any consumer complaint, foodborne disease outbreak, or other public health emergency. Refusal to allow entry during normal business hours, or at other reasonable times, will result in revocation of their Cottage Food License.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 40-7-19-.03
O.C.G.A. § 26-2-34.
Original Rule entitled "Registration" adopted. F. Aug. 7, 2012; eff. Aug. 27, 2012.Amended: F. Feb. 24, 2021; eff. Mar. 16, 2021.