Rule 40-16-4-.04 - Penalty for ViolationAny person, firm, partnership, or corporation that violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 40-16-4-.04
O.C.G.A. Secs. 4-4-40 to 4-4-48.
Original Rule entitled "Penalty for Violation" adopted as ER. 40-16-4-0.62 -04. F. Mar. 24, 1999; eff. Mar. 23, 1999, the date of adoption, to remain in effect for 120 days or until the adoption of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this ER. is adopted, as specified by the Agency.Amended: Permanent Rule adopted. F. Jul. 22, 1999; eff. Aug. 11, 1999.