Rule 290-2-29-.24 - Variances and Waivers(1) The Department may, in its discretion, grant waivers and variances of specific rules upon application or petition being filed by a home. The Department may establish conditions which must be met by the home in order to operate under the waiver or variance granted. Waivers and variances may be granted in accordance with the following considerations: (a) Variance. A variance may be granted by the Department upon a showing by the applicant or petitioner that the particular rule or regulation that is the subject of the variance request should not be applied as written because strict application of the rule would cause undue hardship. The applicant or petitioner must also show that adequate standards affording protection for the health, safety and care of residents exist and will be met in lieu of the exact requirements of the rule or regulations in question.(b) Waiver. The Department may dispense entirely with the enforcement of a rule or regulation by granting a waiver upon a showing by the applicant or petitioner that the purpose of the rule or regulation is met through equivalent standards affording equivalent protection for the health, safety and care of residents.(c) Experimental Variance or Waiver. The Department may grant waivers and variances to allow experimentation and demonstration of new and innovative approaches to delivery of services upon a showing by the applicant or petitioner that the intended protections afforded by the rule or regulation which is the subject of the request are met and that the innovative approach has the potential to improve service delivery.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 290-2-29-.24
O.C.G.A. Secs. 49-5-3, 49-5-8, 50-13-9.1.
Original Rule entitled "Variances and Waivers" adopted. F. Dec. 15, 2011; eff. Jan. 4, 2012.