Rule 290-2-29-.21 - Physical Plant and Safety(1) Location. The maternity home shall be located advantageously to medical services and transportation.(2) Construction. Any individual or group which proposes to build a new maternity home or any maternity home planning for extensive remodeling shall comply with local building codes in all such construction. Building plans shall be submitted to the Department of Human Services for approval and for referral to proper authorities. (a) Rooms shall be planned to accommodate not more than three (3) residents. Some single rooms are desirable.(b) A recreation room for the exclusive use of the residents shall be provided.(c) A room ensuring privacy where residents can visit with their families shall be provided.(d) A recovery room shall be provided on the first floor when residents are housed on the second floor.(e) Separate, private offices shall be provided for the casework staff when the offices are housed in the home.(f) A separate room and bath for residents exhibiting symptoms of acute illness shall be provided.(3) Maintenance. The interior and exterior of the buildings and grounds shall be kept clean, in good repair, and free from hazards to health and safety.(4) Health Aspects.(a) General Sanitation. Proper facilities for sanitation shall be provided throughout the home and premises for the purpose of ensuring cleanliness and protection against disease.(b) Water. Drinking water shall be supplied from an approved public supply if available; if not available, the private system shall comply with county and State ordinances and codes.(c) Sewerage. Sewerage shall be disposed of through municipal systems where such are available. If municipal systems are not available, the private system shall comply with the existing local and State ordinances.(d) Heat, Light, and Ventilation.1. Heating facilities shall conform to local, state, and other applicable codes. All heating systems shall be installed with safety devices, to prevent fire, explosion and other hazards.2. Natural light shall be available in every room used by residents and staff. Window areas shall conform with all applicable building codes. Curtains or shades shall be used for privacy as needed.3. In combination with natural light, electric lighting shall be installed in sufficient quantity and diffusion as prescribed by all applicable building codes.4. Natural ventilation shall be available in every room used by residents and staff. Cross ventilation shall be provided in sleeping rooms. Rooms which are abnormally damp shall not be used as living quarters.(e) Bath and Toilet Facilities. 1. There shall be an adequate supply of hot and cold water to serve the maternity home. Water temperature shall not exceed 120 degrees Fahrenheit for hygiene and bathing. Toilet facilities shall be maintained in a sanitary condition equal to standards prescribed by the local health department or the Department of Human Services.2. There shall be separate toilet and bath facilities for the residents and staff.3. There shall not be less than one (1) lavatory with hot and cold water, one (1) toilet, and a bathtub or shower for every four (4) residents. Both tubs and showers are desirable, one or the other to be used in accordance with the physician's recommendations.4. All showers, tubs, and toilets shall be in stalls with provision for privacy.(f) Sleeping Facilities. 1. The area of a sleeping room shall not be less than 75 square feet per resident in single rooms, and not less than 63 square feet per resident in multiple rooms.2. Each resident shall have a separate bed which has substantial springs, a comfortable mattress, and suitable bed covering.3. Beds shall be at least four (4) feet apart at the head, foot, and sides.4. Each resident shall have adequate closet and drawer space for personal possessions in the room assigned to her.5. Sleeping quarters shall conform to all applicable building codes.(g) Nursery. A nursery is not required by these rules, however, maternity homes that include nurseries must meet the following additional requirements:1. Size. The nursery shall be large enough to allow a minimum of 30 square feet of floor space and 300 cubic feet of air space per infant.2. Location, Ventilation, Lighting and Construction.(i) The nursery shall be near the residents' rooms but out of the line of traffic.(ii) There shall be outside windows for lighting and ventilation. Temperature shall be kept constant at no more than 80°F or less than 68°F.(iii) Walls, ceiling, and floors shall be clean and in good repair.(iv) An isolation area shall be equipped for use of any infant who is ill or suspected of being ill.(5)Safety Aspects.(a) General. Secure railing shall be provided for flights of more than four (4) steps and for all galleries more than four (4) feet from the ground.(b) Fire Prevention. 1. Serious consideration shall be given to ensure that the home is so constructed, equipped and located as not to be a fire hazard.2. If the home is of frame construction it shall be over 70 feet apart at the nearest points.3. All electrical and heating installations shall conform to all applicable building codes according to regulations as set forth in the Georgia Safety Fire Law.(c) Fire Protection. 1. The staff in the home shall be trained in properly reporting a fire, and in evacuating the home.2. There shall be at least one (1) fire extinguisher for every 2000 square feet of floor area and for each floor. Fire extinguishers shall be provided in accordance with the recommended standards of the National Fire Protection Association for First Aid Fire Fighting Appliances. They shall be inspected regularly and kept charged and filled at all times.3. There shall be more than one means of egress leading to the outside of the home from each floor; such exits shall open outward and shall not be locked from the inside.4. Fire exits (doors, hallways and stairs) shall be kept well-lighted, clean and ready for instant use.5. The required exit signs shall remain in place and exit lights kept on.6. Fire alarm sounding devices shall be installed so as to be audibly heard throughout the home.7. A certificate of occupancy shall be obtained from the State Fire Marshal for all homes.(6)Transportation. Vehicles used by a home to transport residents shall be insured and shall have satisfactory annual safety inspection of brakes, exhaust system, headlights, steering, stop lights, suspension, tail lights, tires, turn signals, and windows and windshield wipers. Such inspection shall be documented on a GDHR Annual Transportation Vehicle Safety Inspection Certification (Form 699). (a) When transporting residents, a home vehicle shall only be operated by a staff member or an authorized resident who possesses a valid driver's license as required for the class of the vehicle operated. If a home authorizes residents to drive, it shall establish and implement policies and procedures relative to the use of agency vehicles by such residents.(b) No vehicle shall be used to transport more residents than the manufacturer's rated seating capacity for the vehicle.(c) All vehicles used to transport residents shall be equipped with safety equipment which shall be used as required by federal and state laws.(d) No resident shall be left in a vehicle without staff supervision.(7) Accessibility. Where residents are dependent upon a wheelchair or other mechanical device for mobility, the home shall have at least two (2) exits from the home, remote from each other that are accessible to the resident and with easily negotiable ramps.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 290-2-29-.21
O.C.G.A. Secs. 49-5-3, 49-5-8.
Original Rule entitled "Physical Plant and Safety" adopted. F. Dec. 15, 2011; eff. Jan. 4, 2012.