Rule 290-2-29-.06 - Organization and Administration(1) Program Purpose. In accordance with these rules and regulations, a licensed maternity home shall develop, implement, and comply with written policies and procedures that specify its philosophy, purpose, and program orientation. Such policies and procedures shall identify the characteristics of the residents it serves, including referral sources.(2)Program Description and Implementation. A program description which includes the purpose or function of the proposed home shall be clearly defined. The program description shall include: (a) Written policies and procedures describing the scope of services to be provided, including room, board and watchful oversight and the manner in which such services will be provided and supervised through the home;(b) A description of the services that are provided directly by the home and how the services will be coordinated with the Medicaid Rehabilitation Option provider or other available community or contract resources;(c) Eligibility requirements for resident service and for providers of care; and(d) A statement that the home shall only accept residents whose known needs can be met by the home based on pre-placement assessment, planning, and room, board, and watchful oversight capacity. No home shall provide services for residents whose needs for room, board, and watchful oversight cannot be met based upon the resident's physical, educational, or emotional needs.(e) No licensed home shall assume responsibility for placement directly or indirectly of children for adoption unless the home has a child-placing license. Any evidence of violation of this requirement shall be sufficient ground for non-issuance of a license, or for revocation of a license already issued.(f) Notice of the closing of a maternity home shall be sent to the Department with the license issued to the home attached.(3)Reporting of Serious Occurrences or Incidents. Whenever the home has reason to believe any of the occurrences or incidents listed below has occurred, the home shall make a report summarizing the occurrence or incident to the Department of Human Services, Office of Residential Child Care. (a) The summary report, including an initial safety plan, shall be made via email or facsimile within 24 hours of the occurrence or incident or when the home first became aware of the occurrence or incident, and must contain all of the information required on the incident intake information form, as relevant.(b) The report shall be made regarding any serious occurrences or incidents involving residents in care, including but not limited to: 1. Accidents or injuries requiring medical treatment and/or hospitalization;4. Notifiable diseases, acquired by residents or staff, as defined by the Department of Public Health;6. Allegations of child abuse or neglect;7. Closure of the home or any part of the home due to disaster or emergency situations such as fire or severe weather;8. Any use of an emergency safety intervention; or9. Any incident which results in any federal, state or private legal or administrative action by or against the home which affects any resident or the conduct of the home.(c) A detailed investigative report which includes steps taken by the home to prevent further incidents of a similar nature from occurring shall follow in five (5) business days of the initial report if not already provided.(4)Child Abuse Reports. Whenever the home has reason to believe that a resident in care has been subjected to child abuse it shall cause a report of such abuse to be made immediately to the child welfare agency of the county of occurrence providing protective services as designated by the Department of Human Services (Division of Family and Children Services) or in the absence of such an agency to an appropriate police authority or district attorney in accordance with the requirements of O.C.G.A. Sec. 19-7-5. A copy of such report shall also be filed with the Office of Residential Child Care.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 290-2-29-.06
O.C.G.A. Secs. 19-7-5, 49-5-3, 49-5-8, 49-5-12.
Original Rule entitled "Organization and Administration" adopted. F. Dec. 15, 2011; eff. Jan. 4, 2012.